Daily Archives: December 2, 2008

Tuesday, December 2

Due Wednesday:

1) Re-read the prologue to Montana 1948 and write a found poem using the prologue as your inspiration.  You can lift words, phrases and lines.  You may also add words of your own.  The poem should be at least 10 lines long, but I am sure that once you get started you’ll find that it is fun to do this and you may end up with more!

Writing Workshop Update:

Tomorrow in Writer’s Workshop we will spend a substantial amount of time writing and sharing your personal narratives.  You should come to class tomorrow with a clear idea of what event you would like to write about.  Be prepared to begin writing in class.  No excuses! The final piece of writing will be due (after drafting and editing) before winter break.

Due Thursday:

A completed “Prologue and Section One” foldable with your found poem is due.  I will explain what this is in the beginning of writer’s workshop.