Due Wednesday:
1) For Writer’s Workshop: Bring in the packet of personal narratives written by students from past classes (i.e. “Lemonade Stand”, “Subway Musings”, One Last Time”). Re-read and re-familiarize yourself with the stories. Complete the questions on the first page about your personal reactions to the narratives. Be prepared to share your personal reactions and begin to think about a topic for your own personal narrative.
* Reminder* My advisees will go to St. Johns to package and give out food at the food pantry Wednesday afternoon. We will leave at approx 12:30 and return around 2:00.
Due Thursday:
1) A symbolic representation of “Emancipation” with a passage from Chapter 6 in To Be A Slave. You must read Chapter 6 as well, not just skim the chapter for the passage of your choosing. There may be a quiz on the chapter itself! 🙂 The symbolic representation must include on it the passage that you have chosen and it must be of presentation quality. Be prepared to share your work with the class and explain your work fully.
2) Read Chapter 5 in Lincoln: An Autobiography. Just read it! Think about it. Have some questions mulling around in your mind for our discussion of it.