Daily Archives: September 17, 2008

Wednesday, September 17

Great job on your Civil Rights Action Art Gallery!

Core All – Since Sarah will be out of the building on Thursday and Friday, we have posted h.w. for the next two nights. Please read through it. We will go over any questions that you have in class.

Due Thursday:
1. Complete the gallery reflection.

2. Turn in the reflection, brainstorm, Artist’s Action Statement, and comment sheet all together! (If I have one of these things in class, than bring what you have.)

Due Friday:
1. Using my feedback, revise your “Theme for English B” poem and turn it in with all drafts.

2. Use the following form for your final poem draft (not the usual school heading): your poem’s creative title; directly under it your name following the word “by”; the revised and 100% edited poem; and finally, at the bottom, write: Inspired by Langston Hughes’ poem “Theme for English B” or something like it to give him proper credit!

Due Monday:
1) Thoughtfully respond to the film “A Simple Justice: The Story of Brown v. Board of Education.”

2) Using my edits (and other edits that I may have missed), revise your Action Artist Statement. We will have another art gallery showing and your statement should be in final draft form. By Monday you must turn in: project brainstorming, Action Art piece, Action Artist Statement final draft.