Daily Archives: March 31, 2008

Monday, March 31

Welcome back!!!

Due Tuesday, April 1

1. Finish preparing for the graded in-class writing activity by taking notes and finding examples for the questions on TKAM Part I. Focus your energy on the three questions you want to answer in class Tuesday, each question from a different section. The in-class activity is both open book and open note. It counts for a test grade!


Today we introduced a new part of the ongoing sustainability project. You will write an exposé that weaves together four written elements. Click here for an explanation of this Sustainability Project Exposé Piece. The tentative due date is April 17th.


c o m i n g  s o o n

2. Work on reading your poetry collection (due Friday 4/4) and memorizing 10-15 lines of poetry (due Monday 4/7). Read more about the details of this assignment here.


o n g o i n g h o m e w o r k

1. Keep up the sustainability projects and posts! See me if you are stuck. You must have at least five journal posts (with the connected log posts) before the Day of Learning on April 30th. Read more about how to post here.