le 8 avril

Cultural Project is due Friday of this week!!!

You need to have the following by the END of the class on Friday or you will lose 5 points per day for lateness.

1. Pamphlet with the information from your outline. This needs to be set up with pictures of:
your hotels, at least one restaurant, a map of the city, a food specialty, a park, several monuments or museums, a cultural event and some historical aspect of the city.

2. A typed final draft of the French paragraph with complete sentences. Some of you have not turned in your rough draft yet.

3. A typed up version of your outline that should have already been completed.

4. Practice presenting the pamphlet over the weekend using the paragraph.

You will be graded on the timeliness of your assignment (did you meet the deadlines?), the formal outline, the visual aspect of the pamphlet, the written paragraph, and your presentation. This is a MAJOR grade for the 4th quarter.

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