le 24 fevrier
Don’t forget that you have a test on Thursday. Also, finish the bottom of p. 20 in your workbook. You will need your textbook for this assignment. Be sure to study at least 10 minutes each day. Try using the method that I showed you during our last class. 1.Fold a piece of paper in half lengthwise. 2.Copy the vocabulary words and expressions on the front side (look at your quiz from last week or look at your flashcards). 3.Have someone ask you the questions that you are supposed to be answering. (Example: Comment t’appelles-tu?) 4.Write the answers on the inside left part of the folded paper. 5.Check your answers. 6.Make corrections on inside right side of the folded paper. 7.Study the corrections and have someone ask you those questions again and write the answers on the back of the paper.