le 17 decembre
I need your “boxes” to be put in my room tomorrow before you leave or they will be counted late. This is a project, so it counts for a large percentage of the quarter’s grade. Email me if you have a very legitimate problem and we can try to find a solution.
Make sure the pictures are each labeled with a number and that the sentences are numbered so that they match the picture that is being described.
For example:
1. Il y a un lit pres de la porte.
Le lit est elegant.
You would also put a number “1” next to the picture. Paste or tape the sentences on the outside of the box OR you can cut out each set of sentences and put them next to the item.
I will not find you tomorrow. You need to bring the project to my room and either see me or leave me a note with the box. You may put it on the students’ desks near my desk.
Bonnes Vacances!!!