vendredi, le 19 octobre
For Monday, please do the following (HA5):
I. Make sure that you have completed the sentences about yourself that we began in class on Thursday.
Include 1.Je m’appelle______________. (name)
2. J’ai _#___ans. (age)
3-6. Je suis _______________. (adjective that describes an aspect of your physical apperance or your personality; look at your notes or in other examples of work that you have done.) Write 4 sentences like this one.
7-10. J’ai le/la/les/l’ (pick one) _____________(body part) __________. (adjective)
Make sure you pay attention to whether the noun is masculine or feminine and singular or plural.
HA5 and WM5:
*Either draw a picture or bring in a photo of yourself so that we can continue to write descriptions and complete this project as your final assignment this quarter.
II. Finish the cognate contest by Thursday!
III. Study the body part vocabulary so that we can play “Simon Dit”!
IV. Talk to your family about your language choice. You will be making a decison by the end of October.