Wednesday, January 19


Due Thurs.

1. Social Justice group update.  Answer the following:

a. The organizations your group has contacted

b. the organizations you’ve visited

c. organizations you will contact

d. any help assistance you need from Momii/Bobby/Chris/Jennifer/Carin

2. most recent version of short story (if not done already)

3. DUE FRIDAY– Chapter 18- ‘America Is’: A Changing Nation reading packet (pp. 409-427).  Read and answer 16 Section Review questions (after each section of reading).

*Karamu celebration is Friday.  Make posters!  Supplies are in Mark’s office.  Eli, Georgia, and Jayson still need to turn theirs in.

*Reconstruction Remix groups yet to present: Eli, Jaron, and Jerel; Roger and PaQuan; Nicholas and Jayson

*EI visits: Asha and Nicholas Thu; Marcelo, Sage, Mikayla, Jaron on Friday

Friday, Jan 14

Due Tuesday:

1) Read King’s last speech carefully.  A. Answer all questions posed in the margins of the speech.  B. Make any other annotations that you feel compelled to make. C. Respond in the box at the end of the speech. MLK’s Last Speech in TN

2) 3rd draft of your stories (with peer edits made).  BTW, your story line should be done at this point (beginning, middle, end)

Thursday, January 13


due Friday

1. Reconstruction Remix tomorrow and Tuesday

Friday- Lola and Odelia, Georgia and Charlotte, Mikayla and Mei-An, Jaron, Eli, and Jerel

2. Read and annotate the following for tomorrow.  I will check that you have at LEAST 5 annotations, underlines, notes, or questions per page.  IHaveaDreamSpeech and the assignment is pasted below:

Consider how the nation was left after the Reconstruction era; the goals in trying to help the freed slaves integrate back into society were abandoned.  The conditions that Melba Patillo Beals describes during the 1950’s in Warriors Don’t Cry came out of a concerted effort to continue what was not finished after the Civil War ended. The Civil Right’s Movement in the 1950’s and 1960’s came directly out of what was not addressed or completed after Reconstruction ended.  As you know Martin Luther King, Jr. was a leader of the movement, a Baptist preacher and visionary who was able to inspire not only those oppressed in America, but the downtrodden throughout the world with his non-violent resistance (an idea from Gandhi’s work in India) and his commitment to true democracy for all.  One of his most famous speeches in American history is one that he gave on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. addressing hundreds of thousands of people who had gathered there to march in support of Civil Rights for everyone.  His speech will be referred to throughout your life and will be a touchstone for other activities we do.

In order to study the speech, we first have to understand its words.

  1. Read the speech to yourself and mark it up (annotate) as you go- underline important sections, pose questions, make connections, and look up the words you don’t know and write their definitions in the margin of the paper.
  1. Research The March on Washington and on the back of this sheet of paper write down the purpose of the march, its outcome and reaction, and other interesting information related to it.  In other words, answer the who, what where, when, why and how.
  1. We will have a Socratic Seminar next week on a section of the speech, which will be a chance for you to debate your thoughts on it.

Wednesday, January 12


Due Thursday 1-13

1. Social Justice bio (uploaded to cloud and/or printed out)

SJ bio example

2. Reconstruction Remix project (we will start tomorrow): Georgia and Charlotte, PaQuan and Roger, Mei-An and Mikayla

Recon Remix 2010

3. Karamu yellow sheet for advisory

4. Eli and Jaron still need to give Book Talks

Due Friday 1-14

1. Continue Reconstruction Remix presentations

*Karamu Bake Sale is tomorrow after school (bring your $)

Monday, January 10


Due Wed. 1-12

1. Book Talks: Eli, Jerel, Nicholas, Jaron, PaQuan, Marcelo, Georgia

2. 1st full draft of short story for peer editing

3. Reconstruction Remix draft due

Recon Remix 2010

Due Thurs 1-13

  • Social Justice biography uploaded to website
  • Reconstruction Remix final presentations (at least 4-5 presentations in afternoon)

SJ bio example

Due Fri 1-14

  • Reconstruction Remix final presentations

Friday, January 7


Due 1-10

1. Prepare your Book Talk: Roger, PaQuan, Lizzy, Asha, Katya, Marcelo, Sage, and Jaron will present Monday

2.Reconstruction Remix (pick a partner and begin planning)- draft due Thurs. 1-13

Recon Remix 2010

3. 1st full draft of short story due Wed. 1-12 (we will peer edit; story MUST be finished)

*Karamu is due Thurs 1-13 during advisory

*Social Justice personal bio due 1-13

SJ bio example

Thursday, January 6


Due Friday 1-7

1. Any missing or late work is due tomorrow (it is the last day of 2nd quarter)

2. Prepare your book talk: Odelia, Jayson, Lola, and Roger are Friday

3. Read pp. 385-393 in ‘America Is’ and answer questions in margins

1. Who were some important black leaders in the South during Reconstruction?

2. What did most southern whites want for blacks?

3. Who were carpetbaggers?

4. Who were scalawags?

5. Why did people think there was corruption in the Reconstruction governments?

6. Why was there large-scale spending in the South?

7. What position did each party take in the election of 1868?

8. What was occurring in the northern attitude toward Reconstruction in the 1870’s?

9. What did Gould and Fisk attempt to do?

10. Who was involved in the Credit Mobilier scandal?

11. What southern states were under Republican control in 1876?

12. Who were the candidates in the Election of 1876?

13. How was the Election of 1876 decided?

14. Why was it so hard for blacks to prevent the loss of their rights?

Due Wed 1-12: First full draft of short story for peer editing (keep all short story materials in your manila folder)

Wednesday, January 5


Due Thursday 1-6

1. Prepare for Book Talk presentation (Will and Jayson)

2. Read pp. 377-385 in ‘America Is’ reading packet and answer questions in column.  These act as guided reading notes, so you can write answers in bullet form.  The questions are copied below:

1. What did the US face following Lee’s surrender at Appomattox?

2. Over what did Lincoln and Congress quarrel?

3. When did Lincoln present his plans on Reconstruction?

4. Why did the Radicals not like Lincoln’s plans?

5. What were the provisions of the Thirteenth Amendment?

6. What was Johnson’s plan for Reconstruction?

7. How did Congress react to Johnson’s plan?

8. What did the Freedman’s Bureau do?

9. Why did Johnson veto the bill to add to the powers of the Freedman’s Bureau?

10. What did the Civil Rights Act of 1866 provide?

11. Why did the Radicals propose the Fourteenth Amendment?

12. When was the Fourteenth Amendment?

13. What did the Reconstruction Acts provide?

14. What was the Tenure of Office Act?

15. What was the outcome of Johnson’s impeachment?

*All late/missing work due Friday 1-7 when second quarter ends

Tuesday, January 4


1. Prepare for Book Talk presentation (Mein-An and Mikayla present Wed.)

2. Read pp. 377-385 in ‘America Is’ reading packet and answer questions in column.  These act as guided reading notes, so you can write answers in bullet form.  The questions are copied below:

1. What did the US face following Lee’s surrender at Appomattox?

2. Over what did Lincoln and Congress quarrel?

3. When did Lincoln present his plans on Reconstruction?

4. Why did the Radicals not like Lincoln’s plans?

5. What were the provisions of the Thirteenth Amendment?

6. What was Johnson’s plan for Reconstruction?

7. How did Congress react to Johnson’s plan?

8. What did the Freedman’s Bureau do?

9. Why did Johnson veto the bill to add to the powers of the Freedman’s Bureau?

10. What did the Civil Rights Act of 1866 provide?

11. Why did the Radicals propose the Fourteenth Amendment?

12. When was the Fourteenth Amendment?

13. What did the Reconstruction Acts provide?

14. What was the Tenure of Office Act?

15. What was the outcome of Johnson’s impeachment?

*All late/missing work due Friday 1-7 when second quarter ends

** Middle School and High School Meet and Greet for Students of Color tomorrow, Jan. 5 from 7:45-8:30 at the HS EI cafeteria

Friday, December 17


1. Remember to read an independent book and prepare for your Book Talk the week we return from break.

2. Work on Social Justice projects.  Work on bios for website and to do list.

3.  Have a great Winter Vacation!!