Tuesday, May 17

Due Wednesday: Dream Flag draft: Quotation and design on 8 1/2 by 11 paper.  No exceptions.

Due Thursday: TKAM: Chapters 4, 5 and 6 due Thursday. DO NOT FALL BEHIND ON THIS READING.

O N G O I N G: There is a lot going on these last few weeks! Keep yourself updated and up to date! :)

Tonight, 6PM: MS Awards Night!

Wednesday, 7:45 AM MS Students of Color meetingwith 4th graders in Science Lagb

Wednesday8:30 to 10:15 Band Rehearsal at NYU and 12 to 2:15 Chorus Rehearsal NYU

Wednesday Evening, 6:30 PM: Spring Concert!

Thursday/Friday: Book Fair

Friday, 2:15: 24 Challenge!

Saturday, 7PM: Literary Magazine Coffee House, PAC

Monday, May 16

Welcome back from Gettysburg and DC!

Due Tuesday: To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM):  Finish reading ch. 1 (we stopped on p. 10) and complete handout on this chapter.  TKAMChap1Revised11 Then, read chapters 2 and 3.

*Please note: Momii’s class and ours have different editions of the book; therefore, the page numbers indicated in the assignments are different.

O N G O I N G:

Due Wed: Dream flag quotation selection and design (1st draft) on 81/2 X 11 paper.

Friday, May 6

Break a leg, Oliver cast and crew!

Due Monday:

Letter to Elie Wiesel. Make this your best writing.  NightFinalLetterREV


I recommend starting to pack this weekend.

Happy Mother’s Day! :)


Yippee!!  Your trip leaves to Gettysburg and Washington, DC.  Be here at 7:45AM! Here is the letter to your parents. Included are: permission slip, itinerary, and packing list. DC Parent Letter11 Remember, please pack some DVD’s (PG 13) for bus and sports equip–see packing list for all other details.

Wednesday, May 4

Great job on preview! Musical is going to be awesome, obviously!

Due Thursday:

Complete background reading about Frances Irwin, Holocaust survivor.  Annotate it and come prepared with 3 questions for her in writing.

Dress appropriately for her visit tomorrow, please. She will be speaking from 1:30 to 3:00.

Due Friday:

Complete Night 4 (questions were posted earlier this week) and print out  to turn in (unless you have spoken to me).

Finish reading Night, pages 85 to 115. No questions.

Complete longer SJ reflection (posted earlier this week) if you haven’t already.

Tuesday, May 3


1. Read Night part 4 (pp. 66-84) and complete discussion questions (due Wed)


2. Complete reading and annotating Francis Irwin packet (due Thurs)

  • Francis Irwin, a Holocaust survivor, is coming to speak on Thurs. 5/5 from 1:30 to 3pm (you will not have science class)

3. If you did the wrong SJ reflection, make sure the one below (the long version) is complete by Fri

REVlong SJ Reflection 2011


  • Parent meeting for DC is tomorrow at 8am

Monday, May 2


Due Tue

1. Read Night section 3 (pp. 47-65) and complete discussion questions


2. Finish your personal SJ reflection


Due Thurs.

3. Read entire Francis Irwin packet and annotate it.

  • Francis Irwin, a Holocaust survivor, is coming on Thurs 5/5 from 1:30-3; think of questions to ask her.


  • Parent meeting for DC trip Wed. morning at 8 am
  • DC trip is next week, 5/10-5/13; start getting ready and packing!

Friday, April 29


Due Monday

1. Read second section of Night (pp.23-46), read over terms/vocab, and complete discussion questions


Due Tuesday

2. Complete personal Social Justice workshop reflection



SJ expo is on Monday.  You should know if your group is going.  All students affected will leave with Momii by 10:30.

Below is information you will need for the day:

11:00 – 11:30 – students set up their tables
11:30 – judging begins
12:00 – xxpo opens to the public
1:30 – judging ends
1:50 – awards announced
2:00 – tear down / clean up

Third Annual Social Justice Expo
May 2, 2011
Kimmel Center, NYU
Sponsored by The Center for Multicultural Education and Programs

NYU Social Justice Expo

Tuesday, April 26


Due Thursday 4/28:

1. Read Night first section (pp. 3-22)

2. Complete worksheet for first section and complete discussion questions.



Wed 4/27: Eighth Grade Social Justice Teach-In

  • Wear purple shirts!  (if you don’t have one, borrow one)
  • Be here by 8AM to set-up your workshop room and prep for Teach-In day!