Category: Uncategorized
Thursday, February 3
1. Read, annotate, and complete QTIPS for Omnivore’s Dilemma excerpt (due Monday)
2. Write a thank you letter to Mirko Ilic for visit (due Monday)
a) tell him something you learned or took away from the presentation
3. Start on PSA assignment
a) start research
b) start to find and collect images/statistics
4. blog post deadline is today!
a) write it and proofread b) post it to server c) also work on photos/video/face page and bios
*EI visits tomorrow: Lola, Georgia, Odelia, Roger
Wednesday, February 2
Yes, it is homework-free Wednesday.
Due Thu: Momii and I passed out the ‘Fast Food Nation’ packet on Monday. Read the packet and complete QTIPS for the reading.
*Thu morning is mandatory student/parent meeting for the Spain and France trips!
Monday, January 31
Due Tue 2/1: 1. Lady L Follow-up (if you did not watch the State of the Union, you may skip #10)
Due Wed 2/2: 2. 4th draft of short story printed and ready for peer editing
Due Thu 2/3: Read excerpt from Fast Food Nation (entire reading packet) and complete QTIPS
**NAEP testing tomorrow morning 8:30-10 am (BE ON TIME!)
Friday, January 28
On Monday, Ivo’s father with visit with us. Please look at his website at the following link. and get a sense of the work that he does. Think about what questions you can ask him about designing visual messages for large audiences.
Due Monday:
1. Read and annotate Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle(pp. 1-7, top of the page)
2. Complete non-fiction QTIPS for reading
3. Lady L Socratic Seminar follow-up (due Tue)
1. work on blog post- extension until end of next week (Feb. 4)
Blog Posting Guidelines
2. 4th draft of short story due Wed. 2-2 (ready for peer editing)
*On Monday, Mirko Ilic (Ivo’s dad) is coming at 1:30 to speak about the PSA project
*ALL Literary Magazine submissions due- upload them to class shared folder!
Wednesday, January 26
Due Thurs
1. Complete the Lady L Socratic Seminar Packet-this will be your ticket to participate in the class
a) read and annotate “The New Colossus”, “Dying with the Wrong Name”, and “Acknowledging the Past”
b) look up and define the 12 vocabulary words
c) answer the controlling questions
Due Fri
1. complete Gilded Age guided note packet (based on ‘America Is’ chapter 19 reading)
2. Extra Credit assignment: 1/2 page to 1 page write up about State of the Union. State your opinion and summarize what the speech was about.
Due Wed 2-2: Draft #4 of short story for peer editing
**Thursday is Costume Day
**MANDATORY Spain/France trip meeting at 8am for all 8th students/families (Spanish-Math room, French-World Lang. room)
**NAEP test Thu. at 8:45-10am. Be on time!
**Post Literary Magazine submissions on the class shared folder
Tuesday, January 25
*Extra Credit: Watch the State of the Union address and write a 1/2 to 1 page write-up summarizing what was said and explaining your opinion of President Obama’s points/plans of action/addressed topics.
Due Wed- for A split- make sure you have your annotated Lady L Hakim reading for class tomorrow.
Due Thu- Complete Lady L packet. Read the 4 selections, define the vocabulary, and answer the controlling questions to prepare for our Socratic Seminar.
Due Fri- Gilded Age guided notes completed
**Tomorrow is Twin Day
**Remember, tomorrow is Wed. schedule in AM and Tue. in PM- NO IWP
**Post submissions for Lit Mag. to class shred folder
Monday, January 24
Due Tuesday 1-25
1. Read Hakim ch. 7 (in your Lady L packet)
2. annotate the Hakim reading
*You may work ahead in the packet (by reading the other three reading selections, defining the vocabulary words, and answering the controlling question) to prepare for Thursday. The whole packet is due on Thursday when we will have a Socratic Seminar on Lady Liberty.
*Continue working on your short stories. I will hand all of them back by or before Wed. 1-26
**Tuesday is Bring your own Lunch Day
**EI visits Tuesday: Katya, Lizzy, Mikayla? If you are sick, please see Gabrielle or Mark about going to EI on another day.
Friday, January 21
Due Monday 1-24:
1. Read ‘America Is’ chapter 19: The Age of Big Business-sections 1-2 (pp. 431-439) and sections 4-5 (pp. 444-450)
2. Complete questions in the margins (there are 27 of them)
*IF you complete the entire packet and its margin questions, it will be extra credit
**SUBMIT Literary Magazine submissions to Momii
**Spirit week is next week: Monday is Wacky Head Gear Day
**EI visits Monday: Jerel and Jayson
Thursday, January 20
Due Friday:
1. Read America Is: ‘A Changing Nation’ chapter 18
2. Answer the 16 section review questions after each section
*EI visits Friday: Sage, Marcelo, Mikayla, Jaron
*Bring in supplies for flood victims in Brazil: (toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, band-aids, tampons, toilet paper, sheets, towels, sweaters)
*Karamu is Fri night 5-9pm