Wednesday, January 26


Due Thurs

1. Complete the Lady L Socratic Seminar Packet-this will be your ticket to participate in the class

a) read and annotate “The New Colossus”, “Dying with the Wrong Name”, and “Acknowledging the Past”

b) look up and define the 12 vocabulary words

c) answer the controlling questions

Due Fri

1. complete Gilded Age guided note packet (based on ‘America Is’ chapter 19 reading)

Gilded Age 2010

2. Extra Credit assignment: 1/2 page to 1 page write up about State of the Union.  State your opinion and summarize what the speech was about.


Due Wed 2-2: Draft #4 of short story for peer editing

**Thursday is Costume Day

**MANDATORY Spain/France trip meeting at 8am for all 8th students/families (Spanish-Math room, French-World Lang. room)

**NAEP test Thu. at 8:45-10am.  Be on time!

**Post Literary Magazine submissions on the class shared folder

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