Wednesday, January 19


Due Thurs.

1. Social Justice group update.  Answer the following:

a. The organizations your group has contacted

b. the organizations you’ve visited

c. organizations you will contact

d. any help assistance you need from Momii/Bobby/Chris/Jennifer/Carin

2. most recent version of short story (if not done already)

3. DUE FRIDAY– Chapter 18- ‘America Is’: A Changing Nation reading packet (pp. 409-427).  Read and answer 16 Section Review questions (after each section of reading).

*Karamu celebration is Friday.  Make posters!  Supplies are in Mark’s office.  Eli, Georgia, and Jayson still need to turn theirs in.

*Reconstruction Remix groups yet to present: Eli, Jaron, and Jerel; Roger and PaQuan; Nicholas and Jayson

*EI visits: Asha and Nicholas Thu; Marcelo, Sage, Mikayla, Jaron on Friday

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