Monday, April 12
Note: On Tuesday from 1:15-2:00 you will have a chance to work on your Social Justice Workshop Proposals as a whole grade. Otherwise, you must complete on your own time!
Due Tuesday: FDR ch. 6 questions. FDRChap6
Due Wednesday:
- Social Justice Teach-In Proposal. Use the format, please! One proposal per group.WorkshopProposalFormal10
- Poetry Portfolio: Using the revision technique from today’s Writer’s Workshop revise your 5 best poems to include vivid and precise words. Type up the poems onto one or two sheets of paper, title them and include your name. Here is the criteria for good poetry: poetryrecitationrubric3
The poems we wrote are the following. You may also include one, new, original poem as one of the five, if you wish:
Theme B, Love that _____, So Much Depends Upon, Poem Apologizing for Something You are Secretly Glad you Did, 3 Odes to Everyday Objects, Garbage Poem, Diamond in the Rough Poem, Unbeautiful Poem, 3 Snapshot Poems, 3 Found/Street Poems, Spring Break Poem, Poem Composed of Classmates’ Personal Narrative Lines.