Friday, October 30

Happy Birthday, Jason and Happy Halloween, both tomorrow! Enjoy and be safe.

Due Monday:

  1. TBAS: Complete your essay introduction (completed or nearly so today in class), and body paragraphs 1 &2 (completed as HW).  Make sure your body paragraphs follow the guidelines in the “Building an Essay Packet” which may require some reworking.  Your introduction and 2 body paragraphs may be handwritten in your packet OR typed up for Monday.
  2. Lincoln: Vocabulary from Lincoln ch. 4. ONLY do vocabulary definitions and part of speech (do NOT do sentences or the reading or questions). Lincoln4QuestionsRevised
  3. Civil War Independent Book Project: Continue reading your book so you are on schedule! :)

O N  G  O  I  N  G

  • Due Wednesday, November 4: Writer’s Notebook: Complete your 8 columns in your writer’s notebook–5 columns to go–2 minutes of listing per column, 10 minutes of writing!
  • Due Thursday, November 5: Civil War Independent Book Project Letter #2. Remember, in this letter you must respond to your partner’s letter. Remember also to implement the things you said you would in your letter to me about letter #1.  Use proper format and use the checklist to guide you.

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