Friday, October 16

Check out the “Theme for English B”-inspired poems on the bulletin board in the lobby when you come to school on Monday! Great job, everyone.  :)

Due Monday, October 19:

  • Read Lincoln: A Photobiography, ch. 1 & 2. Be ready for a reading quiz on the material, much like the one you did today on TBAS ch. 3.
  • Select and order or buy in a bookstore your Civil War Independent Book Project book due Monday, October 26. Start this process now so you have it in your hand on time for this important due date. Remember, you will have about one month to read the book and you will also want to select something on your reading level or a bit above it so you are able to fulfill the assignment.  Here is the list from which you may select. CivilWarBookChoices0910

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