Monday, June 8
PLEASE BRING IN BOOKS–Night, TKAM, FDR, and anything else for any of your subjects or from the library. :)
Due Tuesday, June 9 (because I forgot to collect today–OOPS!):
- Poetry Self-Assessment and Titling--Today in class we completed this handout on our 5 best poems and turned it in with the poems! If you were absent, complete this on your own and turn it in!
Wednesday, June 10: Poetry Share and Celebration in Writing Workshop Splits!
Due Thursday, June 11:
- Your two postage stamps with a 5-sentence explanation for each one. In the written portion, you should explain why it is an appropriate and compelling memorial, what the elements you selected mean and/or represent, and why the U.S. Postal Service should select yours.
- Bring in a bag to take home the contents of your locker, desk, and hanging file!