Thursday, March 5
Due Tuesday, March 10:
Have a poetry collection in your hand for a homework check (sorry, no Shel Silverstein). This is the book you will read over Spring Break, and from which you will choose a poem to memorize. See the Spring Break 2009 Assignment for more details.
Due Wednesday, March 11:
A. Final Muckraker Poster Assignment due
B. Poetry Doesn’t Have to be Pretty: following the examples we studied Wednesday, compose the following three poems, and type them up:
1. a garbage poem with specific details
2. a “diamond in the rough” poem with a striking contrast
3. an “unbeautiful” poem about something unpleasant, using at least 8 similes/metaphors
O N G O I N G:
By now you should ALL have at least two sustainability visits and two blog posts up! Your third visit should be done this weekend or next week. BY THE END OF SPRING BREAK YOU MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 3 VISITS and 3 POSTS.
*To post on the blog, you need cut and paste this into your browser: The password is something you can find out from your classmates–hint: it’s the reverse. NOTE: YOU MUST ALSO CLICK off the 2008-2009 box AND then click the box in front of your name right after you compose the journal entry and before you click publish. Look under Blog Post Directions on the upper right of the blog for more clarity.