Due Friday/Monday: Take home essay on Reconstruction. If you choose to turn it in Monday, know that you will have other HW on the weekend for Core. Sustainability Project
- By Monday–2/2 You must have reached out to LEAST 3 contacts by phone or email.
- You must let me know who you have contacted and also when you hear back! :)
- By Thursday–2/5 you should have set up your first visit to somewhere & begin educating yourself about your topic–do research!
- By Thursday 2/13 you should have at least one visit complete and a blog post up.
- Sustainability Contacts Made Today in Class:
- 1. Thomas–Take Back the Tap, Food and Water Watch, Irena Salina, Riverkeeper
- 2. Lucy-Rainforest Alliance, Environmental Defense Fund, Audobon Society
- 3. Sadie–CherpNYC, Lower East Side Ecology Center, Allocco Recycling
- 4. Malcolm–Just Foods, Slow Foods NYC, Local Harvest
- 5. Madeline–Rainforest Alliance, Rainforest Foundation
- 6. Kirra–Animal Care and Control of NYC, Bideawee
- 7. Milo–Slow Foods, Organic Trade Association
- 8. Meghan–Trees NY, Materials for the Arts
- 9. Ava–NY Botanical Garden, Defenders of Wildlife
- 10. Dominic–Recycle a Bicycle
- 11. Lily-Visionaire
- 12. Charles–Birdbath Bakery
- 13. Rene–Animal Control Center
- 14, 15. Liam M & Adam–Green Buildings NYC, Center for Architecture, NRDC
- 16. Surayya–Metropolitan Paper Recycling, Sunset Recycling Inc, Simms Metal Management
- 17. Liam C– Solar One, Cloud Institute, Green Watt, Ace NY