Wednesday, September 17

Great job on your Civil Rights Action Art Gallery!

I will be out, as you know, and the beloved Janice will be in for me. You know I expect your best! I will miss you and enjoy the film–it’s really good! Your assignments through Monday are posted here.

Due Thursday:
1. Complete the gallery reflection.

2. Turn in the reflection, brainstorm, Artist’s Action Statement, and comment sheet all together!

Due Friday:
1. Using my feedback, revise your “Theme for English B” poem and turn it in with all drafts.

2. Use the following form (not the usual school heading): your poem’s creative title; directly under it your name following the word “by”; the revised and 100% edited poem; and finally, at the bottom, write: Inspired by Langston Hughes’ poem “Theme for English B” or something like it to give him proper credit!

Due Monday:
Thoughtfully respond to the film “A Simple Justice: The Story of Brown v. Board of Education.”

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