7th Grade • Two-Point Perspective

Elodie Harris

Two-Point Perspective

After studying the techniques of two-point perspective earlier in the year, the seventh grade students selected a photo of a building and used it as reference for their two-point perspective drawing. Many students chose favorite places on Google Maps to draw, some chose interesting, far-away places, and others chose to document their home street corners. Some students struggled at first, each coming to their “Ah-ha” moment at different points in the project. Once the technical process was understood, the students really dug in, adding light, shadows, and surrounding architectural and natural elements that brought their locations alive.


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7th Grade • Eye Portraits

Tristan Goris

Eye Portraits

In this project students explored the different values of pencils. Using 6B, 4B, 2B, B, HB, and 2H pencils students examined drawing techniques and then applied them to their eye drawing. Students completed this project while reading Lois Lowry’s The Giver in Humanities and exploring the concepts of utopian vs. dystopian societies. Students had the opportunity to further explore the ideas of color and gray scale in the context of utopia and dystopia, while learning how to combine technology and art.

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7th Grade • BLM Posters

Stella Ward

Black Lives Matter Posters

Students used inspiration from the artwork of the Black Lives Matter movement to create posters. Students were able to use their real-world experience and express their personal connection to the movement. Each poster embodied what the BLM movement means to the student. The students then used Book Creator, a web-based program, to design the overall layout. Students used basic design principles during this assignment. This was a cross-curricular project with the seventh grade humanities pods.

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7th Grade • Window Project

Anais Cornfeld

Window Project

In this project, students selected two different materials to complete an observational drawing or painting. Students used all that they have learned over the year to complete this assignment. The contrast between the two materials can create a wonderful effect, but more importantly, students will learn the materials that compliment each other. 

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