AM6 Frida Kahlo Inspired Self Portraits


Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) was an influential painter who is perhaps best known for her self portraits. She is celebrated for her use of color, her exploration of female experience, her attention to Mexican and indigenous culture and much more. Her work has a strong theme of exploring her personal history and identity. 


Sixth graders followed a long observational drawing unit with a self portrait drawing that utilized those skills. These portraits were then completed in a material of the student’s choosing, and by including elements that drew inspiration from Frida Kahlo’s work to explore something about their OWN identity and history in their piece. 

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Marlee Erdreich

Sawyer Gersh

Shaffer Helfer

Esther Kellerman

Lily Rosenthal

Sydney Royce

Penelope Schab

Paloma Sherak

Phoebe Taylor


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