5th Grade Zoetropes


Zoetropes are an animation form that dates back to the 1800’s. The device is a cylinder with slits in it for viewing. Inside one places a strip with the frames of animated action on it. The spinning action of the cylinder and the black spaces between the slits acting as a shutter, give the illusion of movement. 

Fifth graders began their study of animation by thinking about sequence, and how traditional animation breaks longer actions down into individual moments that play out in a specific order. After building up from the creation of short sequences of simple shape transitions in 4 frames, they worked to create longer sequences of simple animation ideas of their own on 16 frame strips. 

Below you’ll find a still image of each student’s zoetrope strip, as well as a short video of the action as viewed through a zoetrope where one is available.

QUICK NOTE ABOUT THE VIDEOS: As you’re watching it will seem out of focus and hard to see what’s happening at first. Keep watching! As the zoetrope spins it will eventually reach the right speed for the shutter of the camera. For just a bit it will seem like the spinning isn’t blocking the camera anymore. Even though the animation will still be quick it will be much easier to see at that point!


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Cosi Croquet

Francesca Cueto

Harry Davenport

Caitlynn Hurst

Jack Masamitsu

Milo O’Hagan

Josh Olusheki

Gisele Putka

Zoey Samuelson

Olivia Weil


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