September 25th

Hi folks,

We have entered the world of electric charge!! The HW for wednesday is in the texbook:

P.434 Review Questions #1, 3-8, 11-13

P.435 Exercises #1-8

P.437 Problems #1-3, 5

Please remember that answers must be in complete sentences.  When answering a question you must also back up your answer (why is your answer correct?) if possible.  Also, on any computations (math), you must show your work!

Some notes:

Like Charges repel, opposite charges attract

Charge of an Electron (-) is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign, to the charge of a Proton (+)

Atoms usually have as many Electrons as Protons, so the Atom has a zero net charge.  If an Electron is removed from an Atom, it has one more positive charge (proton) than negative charge (electron) and is said to be positively charged .  A charged Atom is called an Ion.  A positive Ion has a positive net charge. A negative Ion is an Atom with one or more extra Electrons (negatively charged).

Conservation of Charge – Charge is never lost, no electrons are ever created or destroyed.  Electrons move from one place to another.

You will need your notes and the textbook to do the homework.  Use the textbook as a resource, it is a handy when you need to remember the formula for Coulomb’s Law etc . . .

See you Wednesday!


Work, Power, and Energy

Hi class,

After our discussions the past few days about Work, Power, Energy, Potential Energy, and Kinetic Energy I have some questions for you to answer.  The attached worksheet is identical to the one you received in class on Wednesday 9/16 while I was at Ramapo.  Please answer all parts of questions 1 and 2 for Monday (9/21).  On Monday we will discuss the Universal Law of Gravity and for Wednesday (9/23) you will answer question 3.

Click  Worksheet1 to download.



Welcome to Physics 10

Hello Sophomores!

Welcome to first trimester 10th grade Physics.  We will be studying 4 major areas of physics that all fall under the umbrella of Electricity and Magnetism:

Electrostatics, Electric Current, Magnetism, Electromagnetism

Click  Physics 10.syllabus to download the Syllabus and grade breakdown for this course.

Please visit this blog often. Any questions – email me at

I look forward to a great trimester together

