November 2nd

Hi class,

So I think it will be best if I gave you time to work on your Lab write-ups now, and saved the few HW questions for later.  It is important that you read the pages 449-452 in the textbook (it may help with some of your lab questions even!) The lab write up is due Friday.



Electric Current Oct. 27th

We have firmly begun our study of Electric Current.  Please try and avoid becoming the subject of our next discussion of electric shock!

The homework for tomorrow is:

Page 453-4 Review Questions #2, 4-15

Page 455 Exercises #4, 6, and 7

See you tomorrow



October 20th

Hello Class,

Yesterday you should have completed all the experiments for your Lab, and are working to complete the write up for your group by Monday (Oct.26th). Also due Monday is your take-home quiz, which you will be able to pick up from me today and is available for download here as well. Any questions, please email me at:



October 16th

Hi class,

We began our Experimental Lab today, and will complete it Monday in class.  For Monday make sure you have the minilab write-up, and the HW (#42-45) ready to be turned in.  We are only meeting once next week, so I will be giving you a take-home quiz which will be due the following Monday (Oct.26th).  We will then jump into Electric Current. . . ZZZaaappp!!!

Please check backpack for you interim comments, and enjoy minimester!



October 15th

Hi guys!

I never hit publish on this bad-boy!

Hi class,

The HW for tomorrow, Friday, is Pages 436-7 #42-45

The mini-Lab write up is due Monday! Remember to answer all the questions based upon YOUR observations, and answer in complete sentences.



October 9th

Hi class,

As promised here is your homework for Thursday Oct.15 (no class on wed. due to PSAT testing).

P.434-5 Review Questions #27, 29-33

P.436 Exercises #24, 25, 37, 38, 40

P.437 Problems #7, 8, 10

Some of these questions are about Electric Potential, which we discussed earlier this week, some are on Electric Fields, and some are on Capacitors and Energy Storage.  In some cases, we only briefly mentioned the formulas for calculating Force, Electric Potential (Volts), and Electric Field Strength.  I have given some clarification below, to assist you on those problems.  As always, feel free to use the textbook as a resource.  It is full of helpful examples and definitions.

Electric Fields have both direction (lines of force, vector) and Magnitude.  If a body of Charge q experiences a force F at some point in space, the Electric field E at that point is – E = F/q. The field decreases with distance according to the inverse-square law.

Electric Potential Energy is the Potential Energy an object has due to Work performed on it to overcome the Force due to an Electric Field. Like pushing a positively charged particle against the electric field of a positively charged object (you can think of it like pushing in a spring creates Potential Energy).  Electric Potential is Electric potential per unit charge, and is measured in volts:

Electric Potential = (electric potential energy)/charge


1 volt = 1 (joule)/(coulomb)

Both the names Electric Potential and Voltage are common, and can be used interchangeably.



October 8th

Hey everyone!

We are nearing the end of our study of electrostatics, and getting ready to jump into electric current! The HW we have had will be the basis for a quiz.  We will also have a series of Labs based on our studies in electrostatics, so make sure if you have any questions, you get them answered in class tomorrow!


October 2nd

Hi class,

Your homework for Monday October 5th is:

P.434 Review Questions #17, 21-24

P.435-6 Exercises #10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23

P.437 Problems #6



October 1st

We continued exploring charging by induction today.  Your homework for tomorrow (Friday) is to answer the questions on the handout, and read pages 420-423 in the textbook.  Please look at the “check yourself questions” (there are four) and be prepared to discuss them in class.  The answers to those questions are within the reading, if you have any questions or need to clarify your understanding, be prepared to ask during our discussions.



September 30th

Hi class,

I wanted to write a quick reminder about your homework.

PLEASE bring in an empty 12oz aluminum can, and if you have any tinsel (the sliver stuff for the X-mas tree) bring that too! We’ll need both to do some upcoming labs.

A brief summary of what we discussed at the end of class today:

Charge by friction

Charge by contact

Charge by induction

