Category: 7th Grade Math

Wednesday, 9/15/10

For Friday, 9/17: Please complete Investigation 1.3, parts A through C (pages 10 and 11).  BTB assessment is next Tuesday, 9/21.

Tuesday, 9/14/10

No written homework is due tomorrow but you should begin to prepare for next Tuesday’s (9/21) Beat the Basics assessment.

It will include the following:

-Decimal operations

-Fraction operations

-Integer operations

-Order of operations

Percent questions like the following:  What is 15% of 79?     36 is what percent of 55?     30 is 40% of what number?

Let me know if you need any practice sheets or if you need help with a particular concept.

Monday, 9/13/10

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, 9/14, ON A SEPARATE PIECE OF GRAPH PAPER to hand in (please use correct heading):

Two ACE questions:   #1 on page 15   and   #7 on page 20.  Be careful reading the data in both the table and graph.

Please be sure your work is neat, organized, thoughtful and thorough – use a ruler when making graphs, write complete sentences.

Friday, 9/10/10

Good job – you made it through the first few days!

For Monday, 9/13, please read pages 7 through 9 and then complete Investigation 1.2,  part A only.  When graphing your jumping jack data, be neat and careful.  Use at least half a page when constructing your graph.

Wednesday, 9/8/10

For Friday, 9/10: Please complete the “Mathematician at Work” handout.

Beat the Basics assessment will be week of 9/20.