Category: 7th Grade Math

Tuesday, 10/5/10

Due tomorrow:

1)  from Investigation 2.2 page 32, please finish calculating the total income for the bike tour company at the various levels.

2)  BTB #3

Friday, 10/1/10

1)  STUDY FOR MONDAY’S TEST.  Don’t forget to use the yellow test outline.

2)  BTB #3 due next Wednesday.

Wednesday, 9/29/10

1)  For Friday, please finish ACE #6 on page 38 in your notebook.

2)  STUDY for next Monday’s exam.  Refer to the yellow test outline sheet.

2)  BTB #3 due next Wednesday – 7B, YOU HAVE THE WRONG SHEET. Click here for the correct sheet.

Seminar participants, please meet me in the math room at 8:10 tomorrow morning for a quick meeting.

Tuesday, 9/28/10


1)  BTB #2

2)  In your notebook, complete part C of Investigation 2.1 (page 31) and construct ONE GRAPH for Adrian’s and Rocky’s bike rental cost information.  You should color code the graphs.

3) Read through yellow test review sheet and come in with any questions.

Monday, 9/27/10

1) KEY CONCEPTS #1 due tomorrow.  Use your notes to write thoughtful, detailed answers.  Please be neat and organized.

2) BTB #2 due Wednesday.  Don’t forget to staple your work to the original sheet.

3)  Test next Monday, 10/4.  I will give you a review sheet in the next couple of days but begin to review your notes.  Don’t forget about any handouts in your math folder.

Friday, 9/24/10

Things to do:

1)  For Monday, Investigation 1.5, page 14, parts D and E on handout.

You also need to fill out the Beat the Basics follow-up sheet.  You must have a parent sign it.

2)  BTB set #2 due next Wednesday.

Wednesday, 9/22/10

No new unit work is due next class.  Given this, I recommend you work on BTB set #2 even though it’s not due until next Wednesday.

Tuesday, 9/21/10

Due tomorrow:

1)  BTB set #1.

2)  Complete Investigation 1.4 (skip part E), page 12, from yesterday.

You will complete part 2 of the BTB test at the beginning of class.  These are the percent questions.

Monday, 9/20/10

BTB test tomorrow!

Due Wednesday, 9/22:

1)  BTB set #1

2)  In your notebook, finish Investigation 1.4 but skip part E.

Friday, 9/17/10

1)  Study for next Tuesday’s BTB assessment.

It will include the following:

-Decimal operations

-Fraction operations

-Integer operations

-Order of operations

Percent questions like the following:  What is 15% of 79?     36 is what percent of 55?     30 is 40% of what number?

2)  Due next Wednesday, 9/22  BTB set #1.