PROCESS POST: Little Red Square Area/Perimeter-Comments

Grade 3/Relationship between perimeter and area (Same perimeter: different area)

Things to think about for next year’s project:

  • Book Laura Drawbaugh (Parks Dept.) to come and speak about the progress of reconstruction of Little Red Square. This is a two-year project, so we potentially could repeat this lesson next year.
  • Ask Laura to print out large one inch chart paper for drawings (30″ wide, unlimited length). It’s also thicker paper.
  • Maybe do “measure your foot” TERC lesson after this project (but have the students take the string and create different quadrilaterals using the same perimeter). Then they could create their own “T-Chart” individually and reflect on the data regarding the relationship between same perimeter and different area. This will reinforce the concept on an independent level with each student, and provide further practice. Most importantly, it will help make every student accountable for the learning because it’s an individual lesson. Teachers can base formative assessment on this. It is also a “Low floor, high ceiling” problem because every student has a different size foot, and will be working with their own perimeter, and reflections are open-ended.

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