Sheila Turnage Visit!

The Fourth Grade is super excited to be hosting Sheila Turnage, author of THREE TIMES LUCKY, tomorrow! We have been reading aloud in library, and just got to the juicy part of the mystery! Our students are excited to talk to Sheila about her craft and about writing mysteries in particular. As of today, students have predictions about 5 different characters who could possibly be guilty!

We will be sure to post some photos of this exciting visit!

Living in New York City

We are incredibly fortunate to be living in or close to NYC. We have 3 amazing public library systems, and a number of independent bookstores that are great places not only to find children’s books, but to attend author events as well. On any given weekend, there are a number of events around books and literacy that are open to the general public.

This weekend there is a middle grade author even happening at Books of Wonder, a Shakespeare program for children at the Schwarzman Building Children’s Room , and every Saturday at 11:30 a.m. McNally Jackson has a children’s story time.

Why not take advantage of some bookish events that New York City has to offer!

Out and About

Dina and Hilary's 4th grade

LREI students have been giving the D train a workout, with 3 separate trips to the NYPL’s Stephen A. Schwarzman Building.

Both fourth grade classes went up to the library to learn about the history of maps, as well as to get some hands on time with all kinds of maps.  Librarian Kate Cordes spoke to our students about the importance and use of maps before letting them explore all sorts of maps ranging from a NYC bicycle route map, to a World War II pilot’s map which was double sided and made of fabric in case of ocean crashes!  Many students were excited about the maps of Greenwich Village from the 1960s (when the number of book stores came in at 26!) and busily looked for their homes and landmarks.  Others were interested in how the shape of the boroughs seemed to change over time, as well as the fact that the naming of places was quite different at the turn of the century than it is now.

Fourth graders then got to tour the Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division proper, and wondered at the globes, the giant atlases as well as the technology in the room.  I encourage you to go back with your child, as the room and the maps are open for public use.

Galen and Alexia’s first grade class took a trip up to the library to take part in a celebration.  LREI is not the only thing turning 90 this year; Winnie the Pooh is as well!  A school in Sosnovy Bor in Russia was eager to connect with a school in NYC to talk about Winnie the Pooh as well as about life for school children here.  Our students got to go behind the scenes in the library (into the non-public spaces) to partake in a video conference with the children from Sosnovy Bor.  We found that we had some common interests (reading, soccer, favorite snacks), and there were some differences in how we live (the children in Sosnovy Bor go to school from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon and spend the afternoon in extra-curricular activities).

Librarian Louise Lareau then took the students into the Centennial Exhibit, where the real Pooh Bear and friends are temporarily housed.  Along the way the students saw lego versions of Patience and Fortitude, and wondered at the architecture of the building.

The Stephen Schwarzman Building of the NYPL is a treasure, and I encourage you and your families to make your way there.  Ever changing exhibits, the Children’s Room plus many ongoing programs make it a family destination.

Book Award Season

imagesLast month, librarians from all over the country gathered in San Diego for the ALA Midwinter Meeting.  This is a working meeting where librarians award grants, book awards, and work on all things related to the American Library Association.

One of the most exciting happenings is the Youth Media Award announcements.  This is when the winners of the Caldecott, Newbery, Printz, and Coretta Scott King awards (among many others) are announced.

To see a list of the 2011 winners please visit this link.

These are great go-to lists of books when you or your child are looking for something new to read.

Happy reading!

Library Field Trips!

Some of the wonderful things about being at LREI are the field trips!  We do love our own library, but it is fun to get out into the city and make connections with other libraries, authors and programs that connect with our own.  Recently the 3rd and 4th grades have been able to do just that on library field trips.

The 4th grade went up to the New York Public Library Stephen A. Schwarzman Building on 42nd Street.  We first visited the new Children’s Room where the students explored the collection and were able to see first hand the original Winnie the Pooh toys that belonged to A.A. Milne’s son!  They then got to hear a reading by author Jacqueline Kelly from her new book The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate.     The students then asked Jacqueline questions about the writing process and about how she conducted research for the book.

On the front steps

The 3rd grade made their way up to the Children’s Museum of Manhattan for a look at the Gods, Myths and Mortals exhibit.  There they got to solve an archeological mystery, and compete against gods and godesses in interactive exhibits designed to enhance their already formidable knowledge of Greek mythology!

arrival at the museum

Both the library and the Children’s Museum had LREI students excited and engaged.  I can’t wait for the next library field trip!

4th Graders Meet Cornelia Funke

On Thursday, January 15, both 4th grade classes bundled up for a trip to the New York Public Library on 42nd Street. Even though temperatures were low, spirits were high, since the destination was a question and answer session with esteemed children’s writer Cornelia Funke.

rinkclose.JPGAfter a short subway ride, the students took the opportunity to watch some of the skaters at the rink in Bryant Park. They soon entered the library, and were escorted up through the hallowed halls into the Trustees Room. For many students, this was their first trip to the 42nd Street library. Their teachers made sure that they looked up as they walked through the hallways, noticing the architectural details. The students were quite impressed!

Cornelia was accompanied by Eliza Bennet (who plays Meggie from the Inkheart book in the film of the same name). Cornelia and Eliza both gave short introductions about their roads towards writing and acting, and then the floor was opened up for questions. The students asked questions ranging from “What is your inspiration?”, and “Were you nervous trying out for the part?”, to “Is it difficult condensing a novel into a movie script?”, and “Who is your favorite character that you have ever written?”. Cornelia spoke quite eloquently about the writing process, and let students know that she didn’t even begin writing until the age of 28. When one student asked her if she liked the feeling of power of controlling her characters, she answered with a short chuckle and told the student that he should let his characters out of his power, and then he will really see where his stories would really go!

Eliza in turn, spoke about acting and her love of the book Inkheart. Many children were quite interested in the process of moving a book off the pages and into a film.

emilysign.JPGAfter the questions were asked, each student got a chance to meet Cornelia and Eliza and have their book (or poster if they did not have a book) signed. Thanks to the New York Public Library for hosting this special event!


The 4th grade had a wonderful morning, and yes, Cornelia Funke’s books are flying off the shelves! Why not come into the library and check one out!

Book Week!

It’s hard to believe that Book Week is almost upon us!

Next week, fabulous authors will be in each Lower School classroom talking with your children about writing books. Our Lower School schedule is as follows:

Monday, December 3: Amy Guglielmo and Julie Appel in the 4s class

Marthe Joceyln in Dorothy and Deborah’s 1st grade class

Isabel Rose in Jamie and Bonnie’s 1st grade class

Mario Picayo in Gina and Emily’s 1st grade class

Ai-Ling Louie in Jackie and Dot’s 2nd grade class

Sally Cook in Tasha and Rebecca’s 2nd grade class

Wednesday December 5: Marthe Joceyln in Luise and Stacey’s Kindergarten

Eric Losh in Emily and Ana’s 3rd grade class

Roxane Orgill in Alison and Lisa’s 3rd grade class

Sarah Deming in Kate and Dave’s 4th grade class

Thursday, December 6: Jennifer Merz in Diane and Charles’ EK class

Monica Wellington in Lauren and Molly’s Kindergarten

Annette Perez in the Afterschool Reds

Friday, December 7: Bonnie Hiller is Gwen and Becka’s 4th grade class

Be sure to ask your child about the visit to the classroom! And remember that the book fair portion of Book Week begins Wednesday, December 5th after school!