
Given how popular the recent acquisition of Batman: the Story of the Dark Knight (by Cosentino) has been (we literally cannot keep it in the library for a full day), it seemed like a good time to throw out a couple of other related suggestions. It’s no surprise, I’m sure, that super-heroes are particularly popular with boys and they can be a great way to attract reluctant readers and give them a running start into a wider range of subjects.

For instance, start with Super Hero ABC (by McCleod), filled with one ridiculous hero for each letter of the alphabet. Then go with Kapow! (by O’Connor), the story of a young boy and girl playing good guys and bad guys, who end up learning a big lesson about actually being a super-hero. Then have a look at Dex: Heart of a Hero (by Buehner) about a dog who transforms himself into a super-hero. Then pop over to Superhero Max (by David) about a boy who is seeking the perfect super-costume for the big class costume party. Then move on to Master Man: a tale of Nigeria (by Shepard), an African folk tale told in comic book form about a fellow who believes himself to be the strongest man in the world . . . until he meets the real strongest man in the world. Then you’re ready to move into mythology, with tales of ancient heroes and heroines, gods and goddesses and gruesome monsters. Mythology fills our 290’s section, but just speak to a librarian, who would be delighted to recommend a title to you or your child. Super-heroes are really just the beginning.

Finally, just a reminder: Family Book Night is tomorrow evening (Wednesday, November 5th, that is) at 6:30 pm in the 6th Avenue auditorium. Please come have a look if you’re free.

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