National Book Award Teen Press Conference 

Our school has been invited to bring the 8th Grade to the National Book Award Teen Press Conference on Tuesday, November 19 from 10:00-12:30 at the 92nd Street Y.
This is a special event in which teens hear from the four finalists and are given the opportunity to ask questions and get their books signed. This year’s event is being hosted by celebrity author Angie Thomas!
Our students were given a free copy of Thirteen Doorways, Wolves Behind Them All by Laura Ruby, to keep, read and get signed at the event.  Everyone received a copy last Monday. Students should try to read as much of the book as they are able before the event, this is a great title to add to their 25 book challenge list.
Students should bring a bag lunch that day and a snack for the train.
Since this an event that is live streamed online, students must turn in a signed photo release form from a parent or guardian by Monday, November 18. Please sign the attached form and send it in with your child or email it to me.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any other questions, and have a great  weekend!

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