The Hotel by Tatsuya King ’23

The child steps into the muddy street, his legs quivering from the cold. He nervously dodges puddles, his eyes glued to the grey, concrete floor. Although it is morning, the sun has yet to shine, blocked by a dark layer of clouds, swirling as if spun by some unseen god. As the boy trudges forward, his face pecked by droplets of rain, he is cast into a deep shadow, his peripheral vision fading as his eyes are drawn to a dark building ahead of him. The front of the building stands out like some cursed pillar of dread, its walls stretching out infinitely behind it.

The boy’s focus is instantly drawn above the door, to a flickering neon sign, its dim bulbs beckoning him to come closer. As he approaches the door, he notices posters of unknown movies hung around it, the people in them staring into his soul, taunting him for his vulnerability. He tries to turn away but a figure catches his attention. An old man stands in a window on the third floor of the building, his old decrepit body covered in strange disfigured lumps. He doesn’t seem to notice the child staring at him, as he is caught in a dead trance, gazing lazily out the window. As more ghostly figures emerge in the windows of the building, the child realizes the fate waiting for him inside.

He struggles, with all his might to break free of the grasp this strange nightmarish building seems to have on him, his eyes, rapidly spinning as he tries to look away. He finally breaks free, breathless from the physical and mental weight of the moment before. When he looks up, he watches as his vision clears, the dark clouds recede and the building brightens. He runs away as quickly as he can from the building, his feet slamming into puddles causing huge splashes. But he doesn’t care, all he wants now is to be away from that horrid  place.

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