Drag in LREI’s play: An Interview With Louie Figulio

By Cassie Soodak

LREI junior Louie Figulio is currently getting ready for the high school play, The Government Inspector.  He, along with 27 of his peers are also performing in the play on November 8th, 9th, and 10th. Louie’s character, the mayor’s wife, requires him to be in drag for the entire duration of the play. Merriam Webster defines drag shows as “entertainment in which performers [dress] as members of the opposite sex caricature gender stereotypes through the use of often outrageous costumes and exaggerated mannerisms.” However, Louie defines drag as “a form of self-expression and performance, where you pretend to be someone you are not, open to everyone and anyone”. This week I spoke with Louie about his thoughts on the play, his character, and his impressions of drag.


Knightly News: What are the main points that people should know about the play?

Louie Figulio: I would say the most important points are it’s a comedy, it’s hysterical, and I’m a woman.


KN: Did you know this play before you auditioned?

LF: I had no clue what it was, and actually, I was initially confused by the plot.


KN: Would you rather a conventional (Macbeth, Cinderella, etc) or an unconventional high school play? Why?.

LF: I love how unconventional it is. I mean, to be honest, I don’t think I would have the part I do without the unconventional [aspect].


KN: How many plays have you been in? Compare your former roles to this role.

LN: This is my 11th production [at LREI] I did all of the [plays and musicals] in middle school and high school, and actually, if you include the spring festival [of plays] last year, this is my 12th show at LREI. This is also my biggest role by far.


KN: Who are you playing? Do you relate to your character? Why or why not?

LN: I am playing the Mayor’s wife, the mother of Marya, also known as Anna Andreyevna. I love my character, she is great. She’s sassy … and best of all she’s nasty…[and] a b***h.


KN: What’s the hardest thing about this part?

LN: I thought it would be the heels but it’s really the characterizations. Based on the overarching plot, which I won’t spoil, I thought my character was kind of an idiot but it turns out she’s not at all, so that transition was hard for me.


KN: What is your favorite thing about drag?

LN: HEELS, HEELS, AND HEELS. I don’t know why, but I just love walking in them. I don’t think it’s a height thing for me because I’m pretty tall for my family, so I have always felt tall in my own world. But definitely heels.


KN: Has this role changed your outlook on anything? Why or why not?

LN: No, I mean maybe how I feel about my [personal] participation in drag but nothing on a large scale.


KN: Have you ever done drag outside this role? Why or why not? If not, would you consider doing so?

LN: No, this will be my first time. But all I can say is expect more in the future… or don’t.


Make sure to mark your calendar on November 8th, 9th, and 10th if you want to witness Louie walking in heels (probably better than most girls) or if you just want to have a good laugh. You can buy tickets for LREI’s The Government Inspector at the lobby in the next coming weeks.



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