Drama Elective Minor

Performing Arts Electives: Drama
Teacher: Joanne Magee/ Lorna Jordan (jmagee@lrei.org) Ext. 359

Drama Minor

Drama skills will be taught in both classes, the difference is the quantity of shared work in the major due to the frequency of meeting and the intensity of the class. Both classes will work on the key skills of drama such as the actors’ use of voice, body, mime, and character work while working as an individual and as an ensemble member. Students will develop the ability to present and perform in a variety of ways, such as, spontaneous improvisation, original work and play scripts. Students will develop the ability to evaluate, analyze and reflect on the work in the classroom, and learn basic theatre production. Both classes will learn through a variety of warm-ups, drama games and activities throughout the course. Scene work, projects and final presentations will be different for each course.

Homework: students may be expected to complete outstanding work from class in order to stay on the same page as their group during a project. Also students will be expected to carry out research, learn lines and create scenes throughout the course.

Grading is based on effort and fulfilling criteria during class performances. Process, as well as performance, is assessed in this class.

Drama Minor (One Semester, once a week): Students will be developing their skills through a variety of self-contained sessions involving the development of confidence as well as competence in certain key skills. Although sharing one’s work is still a requirement, there will be more emphasis on the process of developing understanding and confidence.

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