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Eng 10C – HW 2/1-2/11

Monday 2/1 – Class: Quiz on Chapters 3-4.  Discuss the party scene.  View film.

HW: Read and annotate chapter 5, The Great Gatsby. Then trace the pattern of Daisy’s voice from the beginning to the end of chapter 5 in your Writer’s Journal. What  does the pattern reveal about her feelings regarding this reunion with Gatsby?  This is WJ#6.

Tuesday 2/2 – Discuss Chapters 4-5.  WJ #6 due. HW: Read and annotate chapter 6, The Great Gatsby.

Wednesday 2/3 –Class: Discuss Chapter 5-6.   HW: WJ #7: Close reading of Chapter 6 , due Thursday (see directions on back of syllabus).

Thursday 2/4- Class: Discuss Chapter 6.  WJ #7 due. Begin reading Chapter 7 in class (identify motifs).

HW: Read and annotate Chapter 7.  WJ #8 — track a motif from the list presented in class.  Highlight all appearances of that motif; then write a close reading of one passage.

Monday 2/8 – Class: Discuss The Great Gatsby Chapter 7.  WJ #8 due. Share motifs.

HW: Read and annotate The Great Gatsby Chapter 8.

Tuesday 2/9 – Class: Discuss The Great Gatsby Chapter 8.

HW: Read and annotate The Great Gatsby Chapter 9.

Wednesday 2/10 – Class: Discuss Chapter 9, The Great Gatsby.

HW:  WJ #9: What makes Gatsby “great”?  What makes the novel “great”? How does the greatness of the novel (or perhaps lack thereof) contribute to your understanding of why it might be on Bloom’s list of American canonical works? What would A.O. Scott think of Gatsby? What would Morrison think of Gatsby?

Thursday 2/11 – Class: Share writing.  WJ #6-9 (portfolio) due.

HW: Preparation for the essay – assignment TBA.

See you in Trimester 2!

Hello students.  During Trimester 1, while I am Acting Principal, I am not teaching any English classes.  Starting in December, I will be teaching one section of English 10, plus two electives: Dangerous Language and Playwriting.  In Trimester 3 I will be teaching another elective on Dante’s Inferno.  Please come visit the blog in two months for more information about these courses.



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