Category: Dante

Dante HW 4/19-4/26

Monday (4/19) Discuss Inferno, cantos 14-16.  Students teach their cantos.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, canto 17. Study for quiz Tuesday.

Tuesday  (4/20) Inferno Quest, cantos 1-17.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 18-20.

Wednesday  (4/21) Discuss Inferno canto 17-18.  Distribute close reading samples and go over requirements for outline, prewriting, and final draft.
HW: Review cantos 19-20.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos. Complete close reading outline and prewriting, due Monday, April 26.

Thursday (4/22) COLLEGE TRIP – NO CLASS


Monday  (4/26) Close reading outline/prewriting due. Discuss Inferno, cantos 19-20.  Students teach cantos.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 21-23.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Dante – HW for 4/9-4/19

Friday (4/9)

HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 6-9.  Take notes on your assigned canto and be prepared to present briefly in class on Monday.

Monday (4/12)

Discuss Inferno, cantos 6-9.  Present cantos in pairs-trios.  Explain canto teach and close reading.   See the Inferno Teach and Close Reading handout for details and canto assignments.

HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 10-11.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Tuesday (4/13)

Discuss Inferno, cantos 10-11.  Students teach their cantos (LUCAS).
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 12-13.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Wednesday (4/14)

Discuss Inferno, cantos 12-13.  Students teach their cantos (OLIVIA, MONTY).
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 14-16.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Thursday (4/15) – NO CLASS

Friday (4/16) – SCHOOL CLOSED – NO CLASS

Monday (4/19) – Discuss Inferno, cantos 14-16.  Students teach their cantos. (REUBEN, EMILY)
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, canto 17. Study for quiz Tuesday.

Dante HW 4/5-4/9

Monday (4/5) Share and discuss Dante references.  Read and discuss Inferno, canto 1.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 2-3.

Tuesday (4/6) Discuss Inferno, cantos 2-3.  Hand out packet; explain use of summaries, note-taking guide, and online resources.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, canto 4.  Reader Response #2: What is your reaction to Dante’s definitions of “neutrals” and Limbo?  How does this match/not match with your own notions of the afterlife and justice?  Are there any residents of these two areas that you think do not belong there?  If you were assigning people to neutral/Limbo, who would you put there and why?  Due Wednesday, 2 pages, typed.

Wednesday (4/7)   Reader Response #2 due. Discuss Inferno, canto 4 (Limbo).  Share responses.  Explain canto teach and close reading,   Assign student cantos.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 5-6.  Take notes on both cantos as if you were going to teach the class.

Thursday  (4/8) NO CLASS

Friday (4/9) Check notes.  Discuss Inferno, cantos 5-6.  Everyone must take part in discussion and teaching of these cantos!
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 7-9.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Dante – HW for 3/15-18

Monday (3/15) First class: Course overview and expectations. Why read Dante? What can we learn from reading Dante? Where can we find Dante in the modern world?

HW: Reader Response #1: What is your vision of the afterlife?  You may answer the question in words, images, or a combination of both.  Be creative and brave in your answer.  Due Tuesday, 2 pages, typed. Please come to class with required materials.

Tuesday (3/16) Reader Response #1 due. Share responses.  Introduction to Dante and the Commedia: biography, Florence, exile, poet vs. pilgrim, political/social commentary, terza rima, Virgil and other reference texts.

HW: Read and annotate “Catechism of the Divine Comedy” by Joseph Gallagher (handout).  What questions do you have about Dante, the man and the poet?

Wednesday (3/17) Discuss “Catechism” reading and FAQ’s.  Show online Dante resources, Digital Dante study guide and image gallery, Dante Worlds, map of Hell, etc.  If time allows, begin reading Inferno, Canto 1 together in class.

HW: (1) Bookmark Digital Dante and Dante Worlds on your computer and begin to explore. (2) Find at least one reference to Dante or his subject matter (hell, heaven, devil, sin, etc.) in contemporary popular culture (music, art, literature, film).  Be prepared to show-and-tell in class on Monday, April 5 after break.

Recommended reading: A Modern Reader’s Guide to Dante’s The Divine Comedy by Joseph Gallagher.  ISBN: 0-7648-0494-4.  This is a great resource with canto summaries and good, brief analysis of major allusions and references.  I highly recommend it!

Reading Day

Here are the meeting times for Monday, June 8:

10:00     Ben
10:10     Stephen
10:20     Devon
10:30     Nazir
10:40     Woobens
10:50     Karye
11:00     Sophie
11:10     Kai
11:20     Danilo
11:30     Gabe
11:40     Jodi

Week of June 1

Monday June 1

Final project proposal due (Explain form, content, and meaning of your project; approx. 2 pages typed)

(1)  Small group presentations of selected passages from Paradiso: Canto 1, lines 91-93; Canto 2, 103-105; Canto 3, 70-72; Canto 4, 124-126.  Each pair will identify theme(s) and motif(s) – see below for definitions of these terms.

Motif = recurring image, idea, character, word, or object, explicitly stated and often with symbolic meaning

Theme = significant idea seen throughout the text that can be represented in many different ways

(2) Compare the members of the Donati family ecountered in hell (Corso), purgatory (Forese), and paradise (Piccarda). Compare Dante’s encounter with three women: Francesca in Inferno 5,  La Pia in Purgatorio 5, and Piccarda in Paradiso 3.

HW: Read and annotate Paradiso canto 33.

Tuesday, June 2

Class: Discuss Paradiso canto 33.

HW: Work on final project.

Wednesday, June 3


Thursday, June 4

REVIEW DAY – Work period/individual meetings

Friday, June 5


HW: Finish final project.  Exam period is Wednesday, June 10 @ 9 am.

Week of May 26

Tuesday May 26 [FRIDAY SCHEDULE]
Class: Discuss Purgatorio, cantos 31-33.  Introduction to Paradise. Explain final project.

HW: Read and annotate Paradiso cantos 1-2 and notes (focus especially on the diagrams).  Brainstorm ideas for final project.

Wednesday, May 27 – NO CLASS

Thursday, May 28

Class: Discuss Paradiso, cantos 1-2:  Dante’s use of classical allusions and “neologisms” (invented words) in Heaven;  notions/misconceptions of Heaven as a peaceful place; significance of Moon Spots (2.49-148). What types of knowledge do we need to have to understand Paradise?

HW: Read and annotate Paradiso cantos 3-5, and notes.  Brainstorm ideas for final project.

Friday, May 29

Class: Discuss Paradiso cantos 3-5: Compare the members of the Donati family ecountered in hell (Corso), purgatory (Forese), and paradise (Piccarda). Compare Dante’s encounter with three women: Francesca in Inferno 5,  La Pia in Purgatorio 5, and Piccarda in Paradiso 5.

HW: Read and annotate Paradiso canto 33.
Complete final project proposal due Monday June 1.

Week of May 18

Monday 5/18

Discuss Purgatorio cantos 21-23.

Read and annotate Purgatorio cantos 25-27.

Tuesday 5/19 – MEET IN TECH CENTER

Discuss Purgatorio cantos 25-27.  Art Day: Images of women (Leah, Rachel, Mary), saints, and sinners.  Comparison of artistic representations of Hell and Purgatory.

HW: Review for in-class essay  on Wednesday.

In Class Essay on Purgatorio: image analysis and comparison.

HW: Read and annotate Purgatorio cantos 28-30.

Thursday 5/21

Discuss Purgatorio cantos 28-30.

HW: Read and annotate Purgatorio cantos 31-33.  Optional reading: Twayne’s Author Series, Chapter 6, Part III, “The Earthly Paradise.”  Available through LREI library website or by clicking here.

Friday 5/22 – FIELD DAY – NO CLASS