Category: Dante

Dante Final – Wednesday 6/7 @ 9:00 am

Just a reminder that the Dante final project is due Wednesday, June 7 at 9:00 AM.  During our final “exam” you will each have a chance to present your project to the group.  If you will need audio-visual or tech components for your presentation, please let me know in advance.

The Final Project handout is attached here just in case.

Dante May 26 – updated syllabus

Wednesday 5/26 – Purgatrio take-home test due. Explain Final Project. Introduction to Paradiso. Read and discuss Paradiso, canto 1:  What types of knowledge do we need to have to understand Paradise?  Dante’s use of classical allusions and “neologisms” (invented words) in Heaven; preconceptions of Heaven as a peaceful place or “good” place; how does Dante’s vision differ?

HW: Read and annotate Paradiso cantos 1-2: astronomy, astrology, moon-spots, philosophy (packet).

Group work: Paradiso cantos 3, 17 and 26.  Compare Dante’s encounter with three women: Francesca (Inf. 5),  La Pia (Purg. 5), and Piccarda (Par. 3).  Compare the geographic and philosophical structure of the afterworld as explained in canto 17 of each book. Compare the use of language and implications about the power of speech/poetry in canto 26 of each book.

HW: Read Paradiso cantos 32-33 by going to “The Comedy” section on the Digital Dante website. You can  choose either the Mandelbaum or the Longfellow editions.  Choose topic/form of your final project.

Friday 5/28 FIELD DAY – NO CLASS


Tuesday 6/1 – Final project check in – topics, questions, etc.
Discussion of Paradiso 32-33. In-class writing:  How does Dante’s  journey through the after-world begin and end?  Compare the experience of pilgrim, poet, and reader on this journey.  Given all this, how will you structure the “journey” of your own after-life in the final project?
Work on final project.

Wednesday 6/2 – Work period. [Julia out]
HW: Complete first draft of final project due Thursday, June 3.

Thursday 6/3 – NO CLASS
First draft of Final Project due. Work period/individual conferences.
HW: Work on final project.

Friday 6/4 – READING DAY – Individual conferences, as scheduled.

June 9: Final Project due at Final Exam

Dante – HW May 24-June 4

Monday 5/24 – Discuss Purgatorio canto 28, 30-33.  Explain Purgatorio Take Home essay.

HW: Purgatorio take home test: Choose one of the prompts and write a detailed, analytical response using specific examples from the text. See handout for more details.  3 pages, typed, minimum, due Wednesday.

Tuesday 5/24 – Finish discussion of Purgatory.  Introduction to Paradise. Read and discuss Paradiso, canto 1:  What types of knowledge do we need to have to understand Paradise?  Discuss preconceptions of Heaven as a peaceful place or “good” place; how does Dante’s vision differ?
HW: Finish take home test, due Wednesday.

Wednesday 5/26 – Purgatrio take-home test due. Read and discuss Paradiso cantos 2-3: astronomy, astrology, moon-spots, philosophy.  Explain final project.
HW: Read and annotate Paradiso cantos 3, 17, 26. Compare these cantos to their parallel cantos in Inferno and Purgatorio to prepare for group work on Thursday.

Group work: Paradiso cantos 3, 17 and 26.  Compare Dante’s encounter with three women: Francesca (Inf. 5),  La Pia (Purg. 5), and Piccarda (Par. 3).  Compare the geographic and philosophical structure of the afterworld as explained in canto 17 of each book. Compare the use of language and implications about the power of speech/poetry in canto 26 of each book. 
HW: Read and annotate Paradiso cantos 32-33.

Friday 5/28 FIELD DAY – NO CLASS


Tuesday 6/1 – Discussion of Paradiso 32-33. In-class writing:  How does Dante’s  journey through the after-world begin and end?  Compare the experience of pilgrim, poet, and reader on this journey.  Given all this, how will you structure the “journey” of your own after-life in the final project?
Work on final project.

Wednesday 6/2 – Work period. [Julia out]
HW: Complete first draft of final project due Thursday, June 3.

Thursday 6/3 – First draft of Final Project due. Work period/individual conferences.
HW: Work on final project.

Friday 6/4 – READING DAY – Individual conferences, as scheduled.

June 7-9: Exam Week – Final Project due at Final Exam (date, time TBD)

Dante – Images for Friday May 21

Poverty by Gustave Doré (1832-1883)

Dream of Leah by Gustave Doré (1832-1883)

Rachel and Leah by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828–1882) shows Leah on the right occupying herself with a spray of flowers and Rachel lost in thought (Dante’s Vision of Rachel and Leah, 1855).

Matilda gathering flowers by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828–1882)

Matilda submerges Dante in Lethe by Gustave Doré (1832-1883)

Processional, Purg. 29, by Gustave Doré (1832-1883)

Chariot (symbol of Church) by William Blake (1757-1827)

Madonna and angels Cimabue (1240-1302) compare to Beatrice and angels

Ugolino, sculpture by Rodin (1840-1917) part of the collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Dante trip to Cloisters

I hope you all enjoyed our trip to the Cloisters today.  While our guide was not a Dante expert (as you are becoming), he did highlight some key concepts about medieval art that have relevance to our reading of the Divine Comedy.  Specifically, his references to the cult of Mary, symbolism in art and architecture, and Biblical stories should resonate with our own discussions about Purgatory, saints, and multiple readings of Biblical allusion.  Please come to class on Friday ready to share your reactions and questions about of the trip.  We will also spend some time looking at depictions of Mary, female saints, and repentants.

Here is a picture from the gardens – thanks to Emily for lending her camera!

Cloisters photo

Dante – HW 5/12-5/21

Tuesday (5/11) Discuss Inferno cantos 33-34: Ugolino, cannibalism as treachery, Satan, Judas, and transition back to the wood.
HW: Introduction to Mandelbaum Purgatorio (your book, pp. viii-xxx).

Wednesday (5/12) Introduction to Purgatorio. Discuss geography of purgatory, philosophy (redemption vs. reincarnation), and language/form of the poem.  Begin reading Canto 1 aloud in class.
HW: Read and annotate Purgatorio background materials (packet) and cantos 1-2.

Thursday (5/13) NO CLASS

Friday  (5/14) Discuss Purgatorio cantos 1-2.
HW: Read and annotate Purgatorio cantos 3-5.  OPTIONAL: Read and annotate John Freccero’s article “Manfred’s Wounds and the Poetics of Purgatorio” (handout).

Monday (5/17) Discuss Purgatorio cantos 3-5.
HW:  Read and annotate Purgatorio cantos 7, 9, 10.

Tuesday   (5/18) Discuss Purgatorio cantos 7-10.  Character analysis of Sordello; significance of dreams, gate and the P’s (allegory).
HW: Read and annotate Purgatorio cantos 13, 16, 17.
Remember to bring the following for the Cloisters field trip tomorrow: bag lunch, notebook, pencil, and Metrocard (if you will be travelling home alone).

Wednesday (5/19) QUIZ: Cantos 1-17.  Discussion: Purgatorio cantos 13-17.
Field Trip to the Cloisters: Depart school 10:45 am for 1:00 tour.    Dismissal from the museum by 2:30 pm.
HW: Read and annotate Purgatorio cantos 21-22 and 28-29.

Thursday (5/20) NO CLASS

Friday (5/21) Discussion: Art of the Commedia.  Debrief Cloisters trip; compare artistic representations of Hell and Purgatory; consider visual representations of women (Leah, Rachel, Mary, Matilda, Beatrice); description of the pageant (canto 29).
HW: Read and annotate Purgatorio cantos 30, 31, 33.  Optional reading: Twayne’s Author Series, Chapter 6, Part III “The Earthly Paradise.” Available through LREI library website or at this link.

Dante HW 5/3-5/10

Monday  (5/3) Discuss Inferno, cantos 26-28 (students teach cantos).
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 29-30.

Tuesday  (5/4) Close reading due. Discuss Inferno, cantos 28-30.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, canto 31-32.

Wednesday  (5/5) Discuss Inferno, canto 31-32.
Read and annotate cantos 33-34. Response #3: How does Dante’s description of the Devil resemble or differ from your own image or expectations of the Devil? (2 pages, typed, double-spaced, due Monday, May 10).  Extra Credit: Draw, paint, or build your own depiction of the Devil.  Submit illustration with response #3 on Monday.

Thursday (5/6) NO CLASS


Monday   (5/10)  Response #3 due. Share responses (pair-share or read aloud) and discuss.  How does Dante’s description of the Devil resemble or differ from your own image or expectations of the Devil?  How does the ending of Inferno compare to your expectations of this text?

HW: Night off – handouts to come on Tuesday.

Dante HW 4/26-5/3

Monday (4/26) Close reading outline/prewriting due. Discuss Inferno, cantos 19-20.  Students teach cantos. [MARGRET]
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 21-23.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Tuesday (4/27) Discuss Inferno, cantos 21-23.  Students teach their cantos. [FRANCESCA, RACHARD]
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 24-25.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Wednesday (4/28) Discuss Inferno, cantos 24-25.  Students teach their cantos.  [JACOB, ZOE]
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 26-28.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.

Thursday (4/29) NO CLASS

Friday (4/30) Work period: Close readings. [Julia out at conference.]
HW: Complete close reading, if you have not already done so, due Monday 5/3. Review cantos 26-28 for Monday’s discussion.

Monday (5/3) Close reading due. Discuss Inferno, cantos 26-28 (students teach cantos). [ZACH]
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 29-30.

Dante HW 4/19-4/26

Monday (4/19) Discuss Inferno, cantos 14-16.  Students teach their cantos.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, canto 17. Study for quest Tuesday.

Tuesday (4/20) Inferno Quest, cantos 1-17.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 18-20.

Wednesday (4/21) Discuss Inferno canto 17-18.  Distribute close reading samples and go over requirements for outline, prewriting, and final draft.
HW: Review cantos 19-20.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos. Complete close reading outline and prewriting, due Monday, April 26.

Thursday (4/22) COLLEGE TRIP – NO CLASS


Monday (4/26) Close reading outline/prewriting due. Discuss Inferno, cantos 19-20.  Students teach cantos.
HW: Read and annotate Inferno, cantos 21-23.  Prepare to teach your assigned cantos.