Category: Dangerous Language

DL Jan. 5-15

Tuesday Jan. 5 – Class: Banned books review – key terms: censorhip, challenge, ban.  Introduce Lolita, Nabokov, history of publication, censorship, contexts, cultural reference point.  Begin reading aloud in class.

  • HW: Read and annotate Lolita pages 3-21.

Wed. Jan 6 – No class

Thur. Jan 7 – Class: Discuss Lolita pp. 3-21.  Compare the Foreword and the opening, issues of authorship, nymphets. Read “Annabel Lee” and discuss parallels.

  • HW: Read and annotate pages 21-62 (due Monday).

Fri, Jan. 8 – Class: FIELD TRIP: 6th Avenue Library.  Guest Speakers Jennifer Hubert Swan and Stacy Dillon, MS and LS Librarians.

Monday, Jan. 11 – Class: Discuss Lolita pp. 21-62.  Character descriptions, Lolita’s appearance, garden imagery.  The diary– who is intended audience?  First scenes of thwarted lust.

  • HW: Read and annotate pages 62-89.

Tuesday, Jan. 12- Class: Discuss Lolita pp. 62-89.  Analyze hidden word plays, games, and masks– who’s who, the class list, Carmen, Charlotte’s love letter (pages 31, 51, 61, 67).   Keys, locks, and secrets — what is locked away and hidden within the text?

  • HW: Read and annotate pages 89-117.

Wednes, Jan. 13- No class

Thurs., Jan 14 – Class: Discuss pp. 89-117.  Scenes of satisfaction and illusion.  Charlotte’s accident: foreshadowing, the playwright’s voice, the role of Fate.

  • HW: Read and annotate Lolita pp. 117-142.  Pay special attention to images of enchantment and nature.  Due Tuesday.

Friday, Jan 15 – Julia at conference, silent reading in class.  Read up to page 142 or beyond.

DL: December 14-18

Monday    (12/14) — Handout course overview, syllabus, go over course expectations.  Introduction to First Amendment: Define freedom of speech and censorship: rights and responsibilities of citizens and students; speech as power; the words you can’t say.  Is censorship ever appropriate?
HOMEWORK: Choose one of the essential questions on the course overview and write a thoughtful, personal response (2 pages, typed, double-spaced).  This will be shared writing.  Due Tuesday 12/12.

Tuesday    (12/15) — Response due.  Share writing and discuss essential questions.  First Amendment discussion continued.
HW: Read the list of banned/challenged books and answer the questions on the back.

Wednesday    (12/16) — NO CLASS

Thursday    (12/17) — Banned Books discussion. Guest speaker: Karyn Silverman.  Discuss banned and challenged books, censorship vs. selection, reasons for and statistics about censorship and challenges
HW: Optional independent reading – choose one of the titles from the banned books list and read the book over the break.  This is not required, but if you choose to read a book it could be the basis of your final project for the course!

Have a safe and restful winter break.  See you in 2010!