DL: Helpful Resources for Final Project

Whether you are doing option 1, 2, or 3 there are great resources available for you on the LREI Library webpage.  Follow this link to the LREI Library Digital Catalog/Visual Search: Dang Lang Resources

    You will now see over 20 sources specifically chosen to help you with the final project!

    If you are doing Option 1, you will find legal resources from ACLU, Landmark Supreme Court Cases, and First Amendment Center.

    If you are doing Option 2, you may want to take a look at the Banned Books list, PABBIS, and LREI policies.

    If you are doing Option 3, definitely check out PABBIS, Banned Books list, and Parent Advisory.

    Remember that all sources should be cited in a Works Cited list and turned in with your project.

    See you the 11th!

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