Dang Lang: HW 1/25-2/9

Monday 1/25 – Spot Passage Test.  HW: Read and annotate pp. 198-222.

Tuesday 1/26 – Discuss pp. 198-222: Suburban life in Beardsley, playing father-daughter, Gaston, acting lessons.

Wednes. 1/27 – NO CLASS

Thursday 1/28 – Discuss pp. 222-253: Quilty – doubles, mirrors, windows; elements of mystery style (clues, red herrings, chase scenes, etc.); guns and cars and highways.
HW: Read and annotate pp. 253-280.

Friday 1/29 – Discuss Lolita pp. 252-280.  Discuss “Dolores Disparue,” the “hunt” and the paper chase; Humbert’s (in)sanity; final reunion.
HW: Read and annotate pp. 281-309.  Optional reading: “On a novel entitled Lolita” and supplementary articles.  Write opinion piece: Is Lolita pornography or masterpiece?  See directions on next blog post.

Monday 2/1 – Discuss end of novel and Nabokov’s essay.  Handout supplementary articles.  Discuss essay assignment.
HW:Read supplementary articles (optional).  Brainstorm ideas for essay; search for quotations.

Tuesday 2/2 – Watch Lolita film.  HW: Work on draft of essay.

Wednes. 2/3 – No class

Thursday 2/4 – Watch Lolita film.  HW: Finish draft of essay.  Bring in a typed copy of your essay to class on Friday.

Friday 2/5 – Essay Draft due. Work period: peer editing/individual conferences.
HW: Revise essay, according to peer/teacher feedback.  Make sure that you incorporate detailed close reading in your essay!

Monday 2/8 – Watch Lolita film.
HW: Finish essay and write process piece, due Tuesday February 9.  Include draft with final essay.

Tuesday 2/9 – Lolita essay due.

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