Public Speaking – Final Speech Friday!

Final speeches on Friday, June 4 9:00-10:30 AM. [Monday section -Room 10, Tuesday section- Room 12, Thursday section – Room 13]

Please arrive at your assigned room by 8:45 AM.  If you have tech or video to set up, please bring all necessary materials on a flash drive or loaded onto your own computer.

If you have not turned in your speech plan, you are currently incomplete/failing this class.  Correct this immediately!

Final tips & reminders:

  1. Deliver your speech with the confidence of an experienced, polished public persona.  Play the role of an expert!
  2. Keep your audience engaged and interested through the use of visual aids, varied vocal tone, and a balance between evidence and explanation. Why is what your have to say more important than whatever else your audience may want to do?
  3. Start a great opening sentence, image, or anecdote (the “hook”) that will grab your audience’s attention.
  4. Clearly state the purpose of your speech: Why are you speaking on this topic?  Why is it important to hear about?
  5. If you feel nervous, remember practice makes almost-perfect.  Practice before a mirror, for a friend, for your pet, for whoever will listen and ideally, give you some feedback.

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday!


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