DL Feb. 11-22

Thursday 2/11 – Watch Lolita film in class.

HW: In addition to the article distributed in class, please read the following online reports about recent censorship in schools.  Tomorrow we will begin our study of first amendment cases related to student speech.

  1. Court Contradicts Itself
  2. Anne Frank
  3. Cyberbullying

Friday 2/12 – First Amendment law and student speech cases (overview).  Workshop: how to read Supreme Court cases, note-taking, writing case briefs.

HW: Read and annotate the case of Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)  Take notes in case brief format using this handout: Writing a Case Brief.  Be prepared to present the facts of the case and discuss both sets of arguments in the case.  (OPTIONAL) READ A BANNED BOOK!

Monday 2/15-Tuesday 2/16 – SCHOOL CLOSED FOR PRESIDENTS’ DAY

Wednesday 2/17 – NO CLASS

Thursday 2/18 – Discuss Tinker v. Des Moines.  What principles of students rights did the Supreme Court establish in 1969?  How were these put into practice?

HW: Read and annotate Bethel v. Fraser (1986).  Take notes in case brief format.  Be prepared to summarize the facts of the case and debate the key arguments from each side.

Friday 2/19 – Discuss Bethel v. Fraser.  Do you agree with the court’s ruling?  Why or why not?

HW: Read Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier and Morse v. Frederick. Prepare for quiz on Monday.

Monday 2/22 – Law Quiz.

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