SP – Five sources due Feb. 17

Week 5 (Feb 8-9-10): Finding Sources

In class (with Karyn Silverman, HS Librarian):

  • Where do professionals in your field go for information?
  • What are the leading publications and resources for those who specialize in this field?

Here are the categories of relevant sources (see this handout from Karyn for more detailed instructions)

  1. Ask a professional
  2. Search for academic journals, professional/trade publications – use databases
  3. Search for websites from a leading association/guild/group – use directories
  4. Search for blogs – Use Google or Technorati
  5. Search for books – use LREI, NYPL catalogs, Google book search, etc.

Assignment due Feb. 17: Identify at least 5 leading publications/resources in your chosen field of focus. Try to find a variety of sources that cover both historical information and current activity in the field.  DO NOT include generic websites from unattributed sources (e.g. Wikipedia) or sources written for a general/lay audience (Time, New York Times, etc.).

Proposals have been reviewed by the Senior Project Committee and will receive a designation of Approved, Rewrite, or Approve with Revisions.  Check Moodle for feedback and/or  speak to Julia this week about what to do next.  REVISED PROPOSALS ARE DUE WEDNESDAY, 2/17.

Note – on Wednesday, February 17 all three sections will meet together in the library/Tech Center.  Please do not go to your study/free.

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