Senior Project Proposal due Feb. 1

This week, please revise and expand your Detailed Proposal, according to the instructions posted here. SP Proposal Instructions

All proposals are due Monday, February 1 by 8:30 AM, regardless of which section you are in.  Please submit your proposal via Moodle, following the directions below.

  1. Go to Moodle page on your browswer.
  2. Log in.  Your username is the first 7 letters of your last name, followed by enough letters of your first name to make the username total 7 letters, e.g. heatonj or sharpjo.  If you are currently in a class that uses a Moodle account, use your existing password.  If you are not using moodle this year, your password is “student.” (This includes students who used moodle last year.)
  3. Go to Senior Project course.  Upload your proposal.  Please make sure that your proposal has your last name in the document title, e.g. “Heaton_Proposal.doc” so that we know whose is whose.  Please upload only your own proposal.
The Senior Project Committee will meet on Thursday, Feb. 4 and Friday, Feb. 5 to evaluate proposals.  You will know whether your proposal has been approved during the week of February 8.  NOTE: Late proposals will not be approved and evaluation will automatically be postponed 1 week.

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