Poetry Syllabus 4/18 – 4/29
Poetry Writing Workshop
Jane Belton
Syllabus April 2011
Monday 4/18
In Class: Discuss the form of the sestina. Begin freewriting for sestina exercise: Freewrite about a significant scene or memory from your childhood involving a) an important childhood toy; b) a memorable family meal; c) a significant journey or trip. In your freewrite, try to recall and tap into the details of place, interactions, tastes, sights, sounds, etc. Be as specific and thorough in your memory as possible.
Assignment: Work on Exercise 5: Write a sestina based on a specific memory of a significant scene or moment from your childhood. Take the time to select and hone the six end words you’ll be using (these end words may emerge out of your freewrite). Bring in a draft of your sestina to class on Wednesday. Continue revising the exercises for which you have received feedback.
Tuesday 4/19 – No Class
Wednesday 4/20
In Class: Draft of sestina due. Continue discussion of the poems and how the poets use the sestina form: shifts/movement/progression in the poem, creative use of end words, enjambment. Focused revision workshop on sestinas.
Assignment: Work on revising Exercises 1-5 according to feedback and focused revision prompts. You will turn in both your first and second drafts of your sestina, as well as your “process/revision work” with Portfolio I. Bring in 12 copies (total) of the poem you would like to workshop on Thursday. Make these copies BEFORE class!
Thursday 4/21
In Class: Workshop Day 1
Assignment: Revise your piece according to feedback you received during workshop.
Friday 4/22 – No Class
Monday 4/25
In Class: Workshop Day 2
Assignment: Revise your piece according to feedback you received during workshop.
Tuesday 4/26 – No Class
Wednesday 4/27
In Class: Workshop Day 3
Assignment: Work on revising your workshopped poem based on the feedback you received. Complete Focused Freewrite # 3: What have you heard during workshops of your peers’ poems that can help you with your own work? Be specific (refer to specific comments and discussions). 1 ½ – 2 pages, handwritten. Continue revising your work for the portfolio.
Thursday 4/28
In Class: Workshop Day 4
Assignment: Work on revising your workshopped poem based on the feedback you received. Complete Focused freewrite # 4: Select 1-2 poems in the collection of poetry you have chosen as outside reading for the class. What techniques do you see the poet using in the poem(s)? How are they effective (or not) in your opinion? How do these approaches fit in with or aspects of poetry writing we have discussed in class thus far? What ideas and strategies do you see emerging in their work that you’d like to emulate or experiment with in your own poetry? Please refer to specific textual evidence (quote specific moments in the poem) in your response. Use correct parenthetical citation when you quote: eg. “On the table, two fragile/glasses of black wine” (“Reunion” lines 5-6). Please indicate the title of the poem(s) (placed in quotation marks) and the name of the poet at the top of the freewrite. Bring in 4 copies of the poem for your peers and be prepared to share your thoughts about the poem.
Friday 4/29
In Class: Share outside reading poems in small groups
Assignment: Complete Portfolio I for Monday May 2.