English 9A Syllabus 10/26-11/5

English 9A
Jane Belton
M, W, Th, Fri.

Syllabus October 26 – November 5

Monday 10/26:
In Class: Worksheet I due. 9A and 9B meet together in Room 12.  Discuss essay assignment.
Homework:     Review the texts with the essay question in mind. Begin completing Worksheet II.  Make sure to find and gather textual evidence to fill out your worksheet. Bring your Worksheet II to HISTORY CLASS on Tuesday.

Tuesday 10/27 — FRIDAY SCHEDULE
In Tom’s History Class: Finish Worksheet II
In English Class: 1) Write down outside reading title/author for Read, Write, Recommend Project. 2) Review Antigone Vocabulary
Homework: 1) Complete Worksheet II for English class on Thursday 10/29; 2) Begin formulating your thesis statement (your essay’s overarching argument), ask yourself: What is the main point I want to make in my paper? Write your answer in your notebook and bring it to class on Thursday 10/29; 3) Review Antigone Vocabulary for a quiz on Thursday 11/12.

Wednesday 10/28 – No Class (9th Grade Community Service Field Trip)

Thursday 10/29

In Class: Worksheet II due. Formulating thesis statements. Go over introductions, which serve as “maps” or “blueprints” for the rest of your paper.
Homework: Write a draft of your introduction for Friday. Make sure to schedule a meeting with me and/or Tom if you would like to talk through your ideas in more detail.

Friday 10/30
In Class: Workshop introductions; discuss how to create an outline, using your
introduction as a springboard.
Homework:     Type up a full draft of your outline. Make sure to schedule a meeting with me and/or Tom if you would like to talk through your ideas in more detail.

Monday 11/3
In Class: Workshop outlines.  Crafting strong topic sentences for each body paragraph.
Homework:     Revise outlines according to workshop. If you would like additional individual feedback on your outline, make sure to schedule a meeting with me or Tom today or Tuesday! Prepare for in-class writing on Wednesday 11/5. Make sure to bring your typed outline and your texts to class at 10:35 on Wednesday. Arrive promptly at 10:35!

Tuesday 11/4 – No Class

Wednesday 11/5
In Class (10:35 – 12:10): Write a first draft of your essay in the time provided (90 minutes)
Homework: In preparation for reading our next book, A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah, complete the following written reflection (Reflection # 3): In the course of your experience, what are the texts, images, films, news broadcasts, newspaper articles, etc., that have provided you with your strongest associations with or understandings of war and/or the horrors of war?  1-2 pages, typed, double spaced. You will be sharing these freewrites Thursday 11/5.  Review Antigone vocabulary for the vocab quiz on Thursday 11/12.

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