Project by: Zane Walker (9th Grade)
Project Advisor: James French
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Joy

I really like architecture and I felt that attention to design can help people live better happier lives. I also really wanted to become better at the basics of architecture, like drawing and ideas about architectural form. I wanted to create spaces which blend a sense of connection to others and also provide an adequate amount of privacy.

Final Reflection:

Through doing this honors project I learned a lot about the complexity of creating a home and or building. I saw all that went into architecture and how the idea is only a good one if it can be realized in a drawing. This was integral to my work with James; He taught me perspective and the basics of how to draw objects as we see them. While I initially thought that I would wiz by this I realized that the art of architecture was just as much in the expression as in the idea of the home.



End of T2 Update:

Over the course of the first trimester I worked a lot on my drawing skills, and only in the last week got to creating spaces. This was more challenging than I initially expected, but I learned a lot from it and now feel much more prepared to create designs, and to communicate them much clearer, which is what I’ll do in T3. Here are a few examples of my work in T2:


T3 Project Proposal

Please write a description of the project you are proposing. Why do you want to take this on, and what do you hope to learn?

In trimester 2 I focused on my drawing skills, specifically geared towards architecture and the skills involved in it. This wasn’t my initial goal but it has really set me up to begin to create spaces, and move further towards my goal; which is to create spaces which blend, where you are connected to others, but also have an adequate amount of privacy. This would accompany many other things related to architecture, and would of course incorporate it’s basic principles.

Critical thinking, creativity, citizenship and courage are essential LREI learning values. Explain how you’ll draw on at least one of these values to complete your proposed project?

This project critically looks at the way people shy away from others, how privacy seems to be a main function, and is based on the relaxation that society has ignored the effects of connection combined with possible and adequate separation.

What is your proposed outcome? How will you be able to demonstrate successful completion of this Project? How do you plan to share your learnings with the larger LREI community (e.g., exhibit of work, poster of learnings, performance, etc.)?

I will use the drawing skills I have acquired though trimester two to create easily followable drawings of the space I intend to create.

Please provide a general outline that indicates your work plan for the trimester? What are some of the key project benchmarks (i.e., goals that will help to ensure that you finish the project)?

I plan to learn a bit more of the basics with James, beginning with creating spaces (where we left off last trimester), and then begin to hone in on my specific subject. I think something that I hope to achieve by the middle of the trimester is beginning to look further into the idea I want to explore and model my final idea after.

When do you plan on meeting?
About once a week



Project by: Zane walker (9th Grade)
Project Advisor: James French
Student(s)’s Advisor(s): Joy

Please write a description of the project you are proposing. Why do you want to take this on, and what do you hope to learn?

I really like architecture and I feel like this sort of duality could help people live better happier lives through architecture. I also really want to become better at the basics of architecture, like the drawing type and ideas about architectural form. I hope that this will be able to make me able to think about and experiment with architecture outside of school more, and more efficiently.

Critical thinking, creativity, citizenship and courage are essential LREI learning values. Explain how you’ll draw on at least one of these values to complete your proposed project?

I think that this project will critically think about the way were living today and if it makes us as happy as we could be, and I also think that it will be able to help me be creative in creating homes and larger ideas that are mostly my own.

What is your proposed outcome? How will you be able to demonstrate successful completion of this Project? How do you plan to share your learnings with the larger LREI community (e.g., exhibit of work, poster of learnings, performance, etc.)?

My outcome will be a complete plan (or possibly more than one) for a home, or complex of them, that would encourage and foster connection with others, but also allow for privacy. I plan to share what I do in a presentable architectural drawing or model, and a short paper on the ideas which I based what I created.

Please provide a general outline that indicates your work plan for the trimester? What are some of the key project benchmarks (i.e., goals that will help to ensure that you finish the project)?

I first want to start by practicing architectural drawing with James, and hopefully go over some key ideas I will need to succeed in designing a home. Then I will continue to reenforce these ideas throughout the rest of the trimester by practicing drawing every night. After this intro I will begin to research ideas relating to what I want my design to achieve. After I become confident in what I research I will write the paper on what I found and my takes on it, and then will make a home or building that represents the culmination of all my ideas.

When do you plan on meeting?
I hope to meet every week, and to have some times when he will teach me some of the base concepts.

2 thoughts on “An architectural study focused on connected homes – Zane W.

  1. The initial work was wonderful, I can’t wait to see where it goes.

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