Pageant Planning Document
My Story:
My name is Isabella Alvarez. This is a picture of me and my fellow stonemasons help build a wall for the king and queen. I have been in the stonemason guild for a long time but just recently got out of apprentice ship. Almost my whole family is part of the guild. My brother in the white and my sister Camilla is not in the picture. I am from Spain and moved Jerusalem. Most people were moving to Venice but we decided to go to Jerusalem . We came to Israel because we were in danger of being exiled in the Spanish Inquisition. I am in the stonemasons guild because in Spain my father was a master in stone and wanted the whole family to one day be a master too. My father died because of the black plague. My brother died in the Spanish Inquisition when he was just 16 years old. My mother re-married to a merchant. He was really nice at first then he became really mean. We figured this out one day when my brother came home from work one day.
Some ideas that I could focus on for my topic are…..
- sculptures
- stone carving
My Job:
I am a stone carver. Stone carver’s are important because they make all of the little intricate designs. Without stone carvers everyone would be plain and not impressive. Why would you want that. On a daily basis I would probably be carving designs like flowers. It takes me a long time to do each project because you have to be really careful and precise.
(Add a couple of pictures that show the kind of work you do)
To do this work, I use the following kinds of tools:
(describe the tools and include few images of them)
The punch is a tool that cuts off big chunks of stone and it is not precise. The claw is more precise than the punch but it is slower. The flat chisel is the finishing touch that flattens everything out.
The Claw
The flat chisel and the punch
Some other related and interesting facts about building cities, castles, churches and/or mosques that I plan to share with visitors to our guild:
(add 5-10 key ideas or learnings)
(materials list and plan for creating my “props.” You may want to include some images that you can use for inspiration.)
(description of your costume and how you plan to create it) I am going to use or get a simple one color dress and put a white tunic or dress over that with a belt.
My script:
- The punch is a tool that is very fast and not precise.
- The claw is more precise than the punch but it does not take as much stone off the big block of stone as the punch.
- The flat chisel takes off almost nothing. It is just there the smooth of the stone and to make the finishing touches.