
  • 9 years ago
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  • Author: Jemma

 it is surronded in water so that might mean there is a lot of trade. I think that a lot of people live there. There are a lot of homes and many roads. There is a cathedral in the middle so I think there a lot of christans.  

  • What natural features might be desirable for designing a city?
  • What are the various functional parts of the city (i.e., what does a city need to be a city?)?
  • How does the design of the city reflect the different levels of status of its inhabitants?
  • How might the design of a city tell you something about the values and beliefs of the people who live in the city?

The nice material. The water around it. The castle and water. I think it big and nice. I think because of the design the are a lot of musilums inside the city.

  • How do the natural features impact the design of a city?
  • What natural features might be desirable for designing a city?
  • What natural features might be less desirable for building a city?
  • What can the use of different types of building materials tell you about the purpose and function of different parts of the city?
  • What are the various functional parts of the city (i.e., what does a city need to be a city?)?
  • How does the design of the city reflect the different levels of status of its inhabitants?
  • How might the design of a city tell you something about the values and beliefs of the people who live in the city?