
Harrison, you really have a lot of work to do here to fill in some important details so that you are prepared for the pageant.

My Name: Geoffrey

My Story: I am Geoffrey from Kazan Russia.  I am 14 years old and live alone now in Greece with my Monkey named Recycle (In Greece with a monkey? That sounds a bit far-fetched).  I became a stonemason with my Father and my three brothers (Drake, Ramores and Nathan, my Father Cisco). We were all walking in a straight line when I saw a lumberjack who had cut down a tree that was falling.  It was too late when I yelled look out then they were all crushed by the giant tree that had fallen (that seems quite grim).  I am the only stonemason remaining in my family now.

(In the space below, describe the story of how you came to the guild and your specific area of work focus):

My Job:

I like my job of Stone Cutter in a quarry because I take large stones and break them into smaller pieces and they are given to Rienhardt who then uses them for the next process.
Stonecutters are important because . . .
(add your response here) You might want to watch this video for some inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abSb9-0VtK8

(Add a couple of pictures that show the kind of work you do)

To do this work, I use the following kinds of tools:

(describe the tools and include few images of them)

Some other related and interesting facts about building cities, castles, churches and/or mosques that I plan to share with visitors to our guild:

(add 5-10 key ideas or learnings)

When visitors visit me in the guild this is what I plan to do doing as a way to show them about my work:

(describe your shoppe and what you’ll be doing)

In order to do this, I’ll need to create the following materials:

(materials list and plan for creating my “props.” You may want to include some images that you can use for inspiration.)

For my costume, I plan to . . .

(description of your costume and how you plan to create it)